Recent Fire Damage Posts

Summer House Fire: 10 Terrific Tips For Disaster Prevention

6/10/2024 (Permalink)

A Dayton house fire that happened in the summer of 2022. Our professionals are ready to help you combat fire damage any day of the week!

This detailed summer house fire resource offers expert insights and practical steps to safeguard your property from fire-related damage during the hottest months.

Summer brings longer days and warmer temperatures and increases the risk of house fires. The combination of heat, outdoor activities, and specific summer-specific hazards can make properties more vulnerable to fires. 

This blog post will delve into the common causes of summer house fires, provide practical prevention tips, and demonstrate how SERVPRO® can be invaluable in restoring properties affected by this seasonal threat.

What are the Common Causes of Summer House Fires?

Summer house fires can result from various factors unique to the season. Key causes include:

  • Grilling accidents: Improper use or placement of grills can lead to accidental fires.
  • Fireworks: Mishandling or malfunctioning fireworks can ignite nearby structures.
  • Outdoor bonfires: Unsupervised or improperly extinguished bonfires can spread rapidly.
  • Electrical overloads: Increased use of electrical devices and air conditioning can strain electrical systems and cause fires.
  • Dry vegetation: Dry conditions can make vegetation highly flammable, increasing the risk of fire spreading to homes.

How Can Grilling Accidents Lead to Property Damage?

Grilling is a popular summer activity but can also be hazardous if not done safely. Placing grills too close to structures, using them in enclosed spaces, or not properly maintaining them can lead to fires. Grease buildup can cause flare-ups, and stray embers can ignite nearby objects. Ensuring proper grill placement, regular cleaning, and never leaving grills unattended is crucial to preventing such accidents.

Tips to Prevent Summer House Fires

Preventing house fires involves taking proactive measures. Here's a comprehensive list of practical steps to safeguard your property:

  1. Grill safely: Place grills at least 10 feet away from structures and never leave them unattended. Regularly clean the grill to prevent grease buildup.
  2. Handle fireworks responsibly: Always follow local regulations and safety guidelines when using fireworks. Keep a safe distance from structures and have water or a fire extinguisher nearby.
  3. Supervise bonfires: Keep bonfires at a safe distance from buildings and vegetation. Never leave them unattended, and ensure fires are fully extinguished before leaving.
  4. Maintain electrical systems: Regularly inspect and maintain electrical systems, particularly air conditioning units, to prevent overloads. Avoid using multiple high-wattage devices on a single outlet.
  5. Create defensible space: Clear dry vegetation and flammable materials around your property. Maintain a defensible space to reduce the risk of fire spreading to your home.
  6. Install and test smoke alarms: Ensure smoke alarms are installed on every level of your home and test them monthly. Replace batteries annually.
  7. Have a fire extinguisher handy: Keep fire extinguishers in key areas like the kitchen, garage, and outdoor grilling area. Ensure everyone in the household knows how to use them.
  8. Practice safe storage: Store flammable materials such as gasoline, propane, and other fuels in proper containers away from living areas.
  9. Create an emergency plan: Develop and practice an emergency escape plan with your family. Ensure everyone knows at least two ways out of each room.
  10. Stay informed: Monitor weather conditions and local fire advisories, especially during dry and windy periods.

Following these steps can significantly reduce the risk of summer house fires and ensure your property remains safe during the hottest months.

A Recent House Fire Incident

Recently, in Dayton, Ohio, we at SERVPRO faced a challenging yet common summer scenario. A residential property experienced a significant fire due to a grilling accident. This incident underscores the importance of summer fire safety and the potential for severe damage.

When we received the emergency call, our fire restoration team sprang into action. Understanding the urgency and potential for extensive damage, we prioritized a rapid response. Our team, equipped with comprehensive training and specialized equipment, was on-site in record time. Upon arrival, we thoroughly assessed the damage—the fire had caused significant structural damage and extensive smoke and soot contamination.

We clearly understood the situation and formulated a strategic action plan. The plan included:

  • Immediate fire damage assessment: We quickly assessed the extent of the fire damage to determine the best course of action. This step was crucial in identifying areas needing immediate attention and preventing further damage.
  • Smoke and soot removal: We meticulously removed smoke and soot from all surfaces using advanced cleaning techniques and equipment. This phase is essential in mitigating health risks and restoring the property to its pre-fire condition.
  • Odor removal: We employed specialized equipment to remove lingering odors caused by the fire. This step ensures that the property is habitable and free from any reminders of the incident.
  • Restoration and reconstruction: Our team provided comprehensive restoration and reconstruction services to rebuild and repair the damaged areas. This included structural repairs, painting, and restoring the property to its original state.

This incident in Dayton exemplifies the resilience and efficiency of our SERVPRO team. Faced with a familiar yet potentially devastating summer fire scenario, our swift action and professional expertise salvaged the property and safeguarded it against future vulnerabilities. This case is a testament to our commitment to providing rapid, reliable, and comprehensive fire damage restoration services, especially during the challenging summer months.

What Should You Do When You Experience a Summer House Fire?

Immediate action is crucial in the event of a summer house fire. The first step is to ensure everyone's safety by evacuating the property and calling emergency services. Once the fire is extinguished, contacting a professional fire restoration team is essential for mitigating the damage. While waiting for professional help, avoid entering the property until it is declared safe. Document the damage with photos and notify your insurance company.

Wrapping Up

SERVPRO's reputation in fire damage restoration is built on swift response, advanced technology, and skilled professionals. We understand the complexities of fire damage restoration, particularly in challenging summer conditions. Our team is trained to handle complex scenarios, ensuring efficient and effective restoration. With SERVPRO, property owners receive comprehensive restoration services tailored to their specific needs.

Choosing SERVPRO for summer fire damage restoration offers more than just repair services; it provides partnership in property protection. Our quick response, cutting-edge techniques, and customer-centric approach make us a trusted ally in navigating the challenges of summer house fires. As we have seen, a summer house fire can strike unexpectedly. Still, with preparation and the support of SERVPRO professionals, your property can emerge unscathed from the most challenging summer trials.

Lightning Fire: 7 Critical Steps to Swift Recovery

3/25/2024 (Permalink)

Lightning fire damage to a home in Dayton. You don't need to combat lightning fire damage alone!

Navigate the aftermath of a lightning fire with expert guidance

Property owners often prepare for disaster, but some events, like lightning strikes, can catch even the most prepared off guard. Lightning fires pose a significant threat, causing extensive damage to residential and commercial properties. 

This blog post delves into the aftermath of a lightning fire. It unveils seven crucial steps to guide property owners through swift restoration and recovery using a scenario in Dayton, Ohio, where our SERVPRO® team was called upon to mitigate the effects of a devastating lightning fire and restore the property to its former glory.

What causes a lightning fire?

A lightning fire occurs when lightning strikes a building or its vicinity, igniting combustible materials and leading to potentially catastrophic fires. The intense heat generated by a lightning strike can ignite flammable materials like wood, insulation, and electrical wiring, resulting in rapid and widespread fire damage. 

Beyond the immediate damage caused by flames, a lightning fire can also lead to smoke and soot infiltration, water damage from firefighting efforts, and structural compromise.

Recent scenario in Dayton, Ohio: A lightning fire at a commercial property

In Dayton, Ohio, a bustling commercial property was at the mercy of nature's fury when a lightning bolt struck its rooftop, igniting a blaze that threatened to engulf the entire structure and the goods contained in the warehouse. 

Once the experts extinguished the flames, the property manager swiftly contacted SERVPRO for assistance. Our team arrived at the property equipped with specialized equipment and expertise to address the aftermath of the lightning fire.

7 steps to recovering from a lightning fire

Rapid assessment and safety measures

Upon arrival, our SERVPRO team thoroughly assessed the fire damage, prioritizing safety at every step. We identified potential hazards and implemented safety measures to protect both occupants and restoration professionals from harm. Our top priority was to ensure a safe working environment while mitigating further damage to the property.

Secure the property

After assessing the extent of the fire damage, our next step was to secure the property to prevent unauthorized access and further damage. We boarded up windows, doors, and other openings to safeguard against intrusion and the elements, laying the foundation for comprehensive restoration efforts.

Water extraction and damage mitigation

In many cases, firefighting efforts result in water damage as well. Our SERVPRO team swiftly addressed any water damage from firefighting activities, utilizing advanced water extraction techniques and equipment to remove standing water and mitigate moisture-related issues. This proactive approach helped prevent secondary damage, such as mold growth and structural deterioration.

Smoke and soot removal

Smoke and soot infiltration are expected consequences of a lightning fire. Our team employed specialized techniques and equipment to thoroughly clean and deodorize affected surfaces, eliminating traces of smoke and soot and restoring the property to its pre-fire condition. Our meticulous approach ensured that no lingering odors or residues remained, providing occupants with a clean and safe environment.

Structural assessment and restoration

After mitigating immediate hazards and addressing water, smoke, and soot damage, our SERVPRO experts comprehensively assessed the property's structural integrity. We identified areas requiring structural repairs and restoration, collaborating with trusted contractors to ensure timely and quality repairs. 

From structural reinforcement to rebuilding damaged areas, our team managed the restoration process with precision and care, restoring the property to its preloss condition.

Content cleaning and restoration

In addition to restoring the structure, our SERVPRO team also focused on salvaging and restoring valuable belongings and contents affected by the lightning fire. We employed advanced techniques and technologies to clean, sanitize, and repair items ranging from furniture and electronics to documents and personal belongings, providing property owners peace of mind and preserving cherished possessions.

Ongoing support and communication

Our SERVPRO team maintained open and transparent communication with property owners throughout the restoration process, providing regular updates and promptly addressing any concerns or questions. We understand the emotional toll of a fire disaster and strive to provide compassionate support and guidance at every step, empowering property owners to navigate the restoration process confidently.

Choose SERVPRO for the best lightning fire restoration

Swift and decisive action is crucial to minimizing damage and expediting recovery after a lightning-induced fire. SERVPRO stands ready to assist property owners in Dayton, Ohio, and beyond with our expertise, resources, and unwavering commitment to excellence. 

From rapid assessment and safety measures to comprehensive restoration and ongoing support, our team is dedicated to restoring peace of mind and helping property owners reclaim their lives after a lightning fire. When disaster strikes, trust SERVPRO to be your partner in restoration and recovery.

Smoke Odor Exposed (These 5 Causes Can Make Your Home Stink)

1/8/2024 (Permalink)

Smoke odor lingering in a Dayton apartment. There isn't a smoke odor that the professionals at SERVPRO can't combat!

Navigating the complexities of smoke odor doesn’t have to be daunting for property owners. 

Smoke odor—a silent but formidable adversary in property maintenance—presents more than just an inconvenience; it is a complex, multifaceted issue that can infiltrate and linger in living and working spaces, undermining their comfort, aesthetic appeal, and safety.

This stealthy invader, often unnoticed at first, can gradually permeate every property corner, embedding itself in fabrics, walls, and even the building's structural elements. Beyond its immediate sensory unpleasantness, smoke odor carries with it a host of potential health risks, particularly impacting those with respiratory sensitivities or allergies. 

In this in-depth exploration, we will dissect the five significant sources of smoke odor, each with its unique characteristics and challenges. We will also showcase how the SERVPRO® remediation techniques and seasoned expertise are your indispensable allies in the battle against these odorous specters, restoring your property to freshness and health beyond mere surface cleanliness. Join us as we embark on this comprehensive journey to understand and conquer the elusive adversary of smoke odor.

What is a smoke odor?

Smoke odor is more than just an unpleasant scent; it's a composite of various gasses and microscopic particles produced by the incomplete combustion of materials. These particles can deeply infiltrate fabrics, walls, and even the structure of your property. Besides being a nuisance, the odor of smoke can aggravate more severe issues. Understanding its nature is the first step in effectively dealing with it.

What are the five worst causes of a lingering smoke odor?

  1. Tobacco use: One of the most common causes of indoor smoke odor is tobacco. The persistent use of tobacco products indoors leaves a lingering, stubborn smell that embeds itself in all types of surfaces.
  2. Grease fires: Grease fires, commonly occurring in kitchens, produce a distinct and difficult-to-eliminate odor. The oily nature of the smoke from these fires means it clings more tenaciously to surfaces.
  3. Electrical fires: These fires are particularly insidious, not only for their damage potential but also for the unique, acrid smell they leave behind, caused by the burning of electrical components and plastics.
  4. Natural fires: Smoke from outdoor fires, such as forest or bushfires, can infiltrate homes, leaving a lingering, often acidic odor reminiscent of burnt wood and foliage.
  5. Protein fires: Incidents involving burning proteins (like meat) in cooking can emit a strong, noxious scent. This smoke odor is notoriously challenging to remove due to its potent and distinct nature.

Do smoke odor sprays work?

While numerous odor removal products claim to eliminate smoke odor, most of these solutions offer only temporary relief. Smoke odor sprays typically mask the odor without addressing the root cause. For a lasting solution, a more thorough and professional approach is needed.

Why choose SERVPRO for smoke damage restoration?

At SERVPRO, our approach to smoke odor is comprehensive. Our trained fire restoration professionals use advanced techniques and equipment to identify the source of the odor and effectively neutralize it. This process may include ozone treatment, thermal fogging, hydroxyl generators, and specialized cleaning solutions designed to penetrate and neutralize odor at a molecular level.

Opting for SERVPRO for fire and smoke damage restoration means trusting a team with unmatched expertise and a comprehensive toolkit. Our experience spans various scenarios, effectively equipping us to tackle any smoke odor challenge. Our swift response, detailed assessments, and customer-centric service set us apart in the industry. We aim to restore your property and provide peace of mind, knowing that your space is in capable hands.

Consider a recent situation in Beavercreek, Ohio, where a commercial property suffered from severe smoke odor following an electrical fire. 

  1. Our SERVPRO team was promptly on-site to address the issue. 
  2. We conducted an in-depth assessment and deployed a tailored strategy involving air filtration devices, thermal fogging, and a meticulous cleaning process. 

This multifaceted approach eradicated the smoke odor and restored the air quality, ensuring the commercial space was once again a pleasant and safe environment for its occupants.

Final thoughts 

In summary, smoke odor is a multifaceted challenge that demands expert attention and specialized techniques for effective resolution. SERVPRO stands at the forefront of addressing such challenges, backed by advanced technology and a seasoned team of professionals. From handling the remnants of tobacco smoke to neutralizing the effects of a protein fire, our comprehensive services ensure your property is restored to its original state, free from any lingering odors. Choosing SERVPRO means opting for reliability, efficiency, and excellence in property restoration.

Fall Fire Damage: 5 Undeniable Causes To Watch Out For

10/30/2023 (Permalink)

A fire hazardous pile of dry leaves. SERVPRO is the go-to choice for property owners in Dayton looking to combat fire damage!

Fire damage restoration professionals have seen fall fire damage happen inside and outdoors.

With its crisp air, colorful leaves, and warm ambiance, fall can often give us a false sense of security. While the season may seem picturesque, it also brings specific risks, especially for homeowners. One such risk is the potential for fall fire damage. 

Fire hazards lurk around our homes as the temperatures drop and the nights grow longer. Home fire hazards are not only a threat to property but also to the safety of families living inside.

Last year, we received an urgent call from a distressed homeowner in Dayton, Ohio, after their property suffered severe fall fire damage. Their story serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance during autumn.

What is fall fire damage?

Fall fire damage refers to the destruction or impairment of property due to fires that typically occur in autumn. Factors like fallen leaves, heating equipment, and using candles during Halloween and Thanksgiving contribute to the rise in house fires during this period.

How does fall fire damage occur?

There are several reasons why fires tend to increase during the autumn season:

  1. Heating equipment: As the weather gets colder, homeowners use heating equipment more frequently. However, malfunctioning heaters or those placed too close to flammable materials can quickly start a fire.
  2. Fallen leaves: Dry and fallen leaves can be a fire hazard, especially if they accumulate near the house or in the gutters.
  3. Candles: With festivities in the air, the use of candles increases. But, leaving them unattended or placing them near flammable objects can lead to disasters.
  4. Halloween decorations: Many decorations are made of combustible materials, which can be hazardous, especially when paired with open flames or faulty lighting.
  5. Chimneys: Chimneys can get clogged as their usage increases without regular maintenance, leading to a potential fire hazard.

What is the severity of a fire hazard?

The recent case from Dayton, Ohio, illustrates the severity perfectly. The homeowner had lit a candle on a wooden mantel surrounded by autumn decorations. The candle was left unattended for just a few minutes, and the decorations caught fire, rapidly spreading and causing extensive damage to their home. When firefighters extinguished the flames, a significant portion of the property was destroyed.

Tips to prevent indoor and outdoor fall fires

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some recommendations for fire damage prevention:

  • Inspect heating equipment: Before using heaters, ensure they're in good working condition and keep them away from flammable materials.
  • Clear dry leaves: Regularly remove fallen leaves, especially from gutters and areas near the house.
  • Be careful with candles: Never leave candles unattended; keep them away from flammable materials.
  • Opt for LED lights: Instead of open flames, opt for LED lights for Halloween decorations.
  • Chimney maintenance: Inspect and clean chimneys to prevent blockages and possible fires.

Why choose SERVPRO® for fall fire damage recovery?

When faced with the aftermath of a devastating fire, homeowners are often overwhelmed with emotions and uncertainty. That is when they need to look to an experienced fire restoration team to step in. Here's why SERVPRO should be your first call:

  1. Quick response: In the case of the Dayton homeowner, our SERVPRO team was on-site within hours, minimizing further damage.
  2. Experienced professionals: Our team has the training and experience to handle fire damage, ensuring a thorough and efficient restoration process.
  3. Advanced equipment: We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to restore your property to its pre-fire condition.
  4. Insurance assistance: Navigating insurance claims can be daunting, but our team aids homeowners in the process, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.
  5. Personalized care: Every fire damage situation is unique, and our team provides customized solutions tailored to each homeowner's needs.

Wrapping up

Fall fire damage is a real and pressing concern. As the seasons change, homeowners must be vigilant and proactive in preventing potential fire hazards. But if disaster does strike, it's crucial to have a reliable and efficient partner for recovery. SERVPRO's rapid response, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction make us the obvious choice for homeowners facing the aftermath of fall fire damage. With our help, homes and lives can be rebuilt, even in adversity.

Restaurant Fire Damage: Fight Back With #1 Team of Experts

8/11/2023 (Permalink)

Restaurant fire damage to a Dayton restaurant Trust SERVPRO to bring your restaurant back to life after fire damage!

Explore the critical culprits behind restaurant fires and learn about safeguarding against potential disasters.

As commercial property owners know, ensuring your business's and patrons' safety and well-being is paramount. Unfortunately, restaurant fire damage is a common and devastating occurrence that can disrupt operations and cause financial setbacks. 

As a responsible property owner, knowing the most common causes of restaurant fire damage and choosing a reliable fire restoration service is crucial. 

This blog post will explore the top five common causes of restaurant fire damage and why SERVPRO® is the ideal choice for commercial fire restoration services. We'll take you through a real-life scenario from earlier this year where our SERVPRO team responded to a restaurant kitchen fire and detail the steps we followed to restore the establishment to its former glory.

What is restaurant fire damage? 

Restaurant fire damage is the destruction caused by fires within the kitchen or other parts of the establishment. These fires often result from various factors, such as grease buildup, electrical malfunctions, faulty equipment, or human error. The repercussions of a restaurant fire can be severe, leading to property damage, loss of valuable assets, and potential harm to staff and customers.

Top 5 most common causes of restaurant fire damage

  1. Grease buildup and poor kitchen maintenance
  2. Electrical malfunctions and overloaded circuits
  3. Improper handling of cooking equipment
  4. Flammable decorations and materials
  5. Negligence and human error

Grease buildup and poor kitchen maintenance

One of the leading causes of restaurant fires is grease buildup in kitchen hoods, exhausts, and cooking surfaces. Grease is highly flammable, and surfaces coated with it can ignite if not regularly cleaned and maintained. A tiny spark or high heat can quickly escalate into a raging fire, endangering lives and property.

Electrical malfunctions and overloaded circuits

Faulty electrical systems and overloaded circuits can trigger fires in a restaurant setting. Outdated wiring, damaged appliances, or improper use of extension cords increase the risk of electrical fires. Regular inspections by licensed professionals are crucial to prevent such disasters.

Improper handling of cooking equipment

In a fast-paced restaurant environment, it's easy for staff to get distracted or mishandle cooking equipment. Unattended stoves, deep fryers, and ovens can lead to fires that spread rapidly and cause extensive damage.

Flammable decorations and materials

Restaurants often use decorative elements that may be flammable, such as curtains, tablecloths, and paper menus. These materials can quickly catch fire and engulf the entire space when placed near open flames or heat sources.

Negligence and human error

Human error is an unfortunate but common factor in restaurant fire incidents. Employees may neglect to turn off appliances, mishandle flammable substances, or overlook potential fire hazards, leading to dire consequences.

Tips to avoid restaurant fire damage

Preventing restaurant fire damage requires proactive measures and a commitment to safety. Implement the following tips to minimize the risk of fire incidents:

  • Regularly inspect and clean kitchen hoods and exhausts to remove grease buildup.
  • Train staff on proper handling and maintenance of cooking equipment.
  • Conduct routine checks on electrical systems and address any issues promptly.
  • Use fire-resistant decorations and materials in the restaurant.
  • Develop and enforce fire safety protocols for all employees.

In 2023, restaurant fire damage began in the kitchen

Earlier this year, a popular local restaurant experienced a devastating fire in its kitchen during peak business hours. The fire originated from a grease buildup in the kitchen hood and quickly spread to other areas. Panicked patrons were evacuated, and the restaurant's management swiftly called SERVPRO for immediate assistance.

Upon arriving at the scene, our SERVPRO team assessed the extent of the restaurant fire damage and formulated a comprehensive restoration plan. Here are the steps we followed:

Step 1: Emergency response and assessment: Our highly trained fire restoration experts arrived promptly, equipped with state-of-the-art tools and protective gear. We thoroughly assessed the damage to determine the restoration requirements and safety measures.

Step 2: Secure the property: The priority was to secure the property to prevent further damage or unauthorized access. We boarded up broken windows, doors, and other openings to safeguard against theft and weather elements.

Step 3: Water removal and drying: The firefighting efforts left the restaurant soaked in water. We utilized industrial-grade water extraction equipment and dehumidifiers to remove excess water and initiate drying.

Step 4: Soot and smoke removal: The restaurant was filled with soot and smoke residues, posing health risks and potential damage. Our team employed specialized cleaning techniques and air purifiers to eliminate soot particles and odors.

Step 5: Structural repair and restoration: We focused on restoring the restaurant's structure and interior. Every effort was made to return the establishment to its pre-fire condition, from repainting walls to replacing damaged furniture.

Step 6: Final inspection and handover: Our experts conducted a meticulous final review before handing over the property to the restaurant management. We ensured all safety standards were met, and the restaurant was again ready to welcome its patrons.

Why choose SERVPRO for fire restoration services? 

Choosing the right fire restoration service provider is crucial to efficiently and effectively recover from restaurant fire damage. SERVPRO stands out as the preferred choice for several compelling reasons:

  1. Rapid response: Our emergency response team is available 24/7, ensuring a swift arrival at your establishment and minimizing further damage.
  2. Industry expertise: With decades of experience, our skilled technicians possess the knowledge and training to handle various types of fire damage scenarios.
  3. State-of-the-art equipment: SERVPRO utilizes advanced equipment and technologies to restore your property quickly and thoroughly.
  4. Comprehensive services: We offer a complete range of fire damage restoration services from initial assessment to final restoration.
  5. Insurance assistance: Dealing with insurance claims can be complex. SERVPRO assists in navigating the process and communicating with insurance providers.

Wrapping up 

Restaurant fire damage is a significant threat that commercial property owners must be prepared to face. Understanding the common causes of such disasters and taking preventive measures can help minimize the risk. However, choosing a trusted fire restoration service like SERVPRO can make all the difference in an unfortunate fire incident. Our prompt response, industry expertise, and dedication to restoring your property to its pre-fire condition make us the top choice for commercial fire restoration services. With SERVPRO by your side, you can rest assured that your restaurant will rise from the ashes, more robust and safer than ever.

4 Powerful Firework Safety Tips to Prevent Property Damage

5/29/2023 (Permalink)

Fireworks being let off near a Dayton residential property The professionals at SERVPRO are available when firework fire damage occurs.

Institute these firework safety tips and prevent unwanted damage! 

Fireworks are a staple of celebrations in the United States. From Memorial Day to the Fourth of July, fireworks light up the night sky and bring joy to millions of people. However, fireworks also pose a significant threat of property damage or injury when improperly handled. 

With fireworks season descending upon us, we must take the necessary precautions to ensure firework safety and prevent fire damage. This blog post will discuss four firework safety tips to keep your property safe and how SERVPRO can help if fire damage occurs.

Common property damages caused by fireworks

Fireworks can cause a wide range of property damage if not handled properly. Some typical damage caused by fireworks includes structural fires, burns, and property destruction. For example, fireworks can ignite flammable materials such as dry grass, wood, and paper, causing fires that can quickly spread to nearby structures. Additionally, the heat and sparks from fireworks can cause burns or melt siding, shingles, and other materials on homes and buildings. In some cases, fireworks can even shatter windows, damage roofs, and cause further structural damage. Therefore, taking the necessary precautions to prevent these types of property damage and ensure firework safety is essential.

4 firework safety tips from SERVPRO

Now that you know the damage that fireworks can cause, let’s discuss the steps that prevent them from happening. The professionals at SERVPRO have compiled a list of four firework safety tips to help keep you and your property safe.

Tip 1: Know the laws and regulations

Before lighting fireworks, you must know your area’s laws and regulations. Each state and local jurisdiction has rules regarding the use of fireworks, including when and where they are allowed. Ignoring these laws can result in fines, injuries, and property damage.

In addition to knowing the laws, purchasing fireworks from reputable sources is essential. Avoid buying fireworks from street vendors or unlicensed dealers, as these products are often of lower quality and can be dangerous.

Tip 2: Prepare for fireworks safety

Preparation is vital for preventing property damage and injuries from fireworks. Before lighting fireworks, prepare the area where they will be set off. Clear any debris or flammable materials from the site and ensure a clear path for people to move away from the fireworks.

It is also essential to have a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby in case of an accident. In the event of a fire, having a way to extinguish the flames quickly can prevent significant damage.

Tip 3: Follow firework safety guidelines

When lighting fireworks, it is crucial to follow all safety guidelines:

  • Only light one firework at a time and move away quickly.
  • Never point or throw fireworks at another person, animal, or property.
  • Keep a safe distance from fireworks and never lean over them.
  • Wear eye protection and avoid wearing loose clothing.
  • Never try to relight a “dud” firework.

Following these guidelines can reduce the risk of firework-related property damage and injuries.

Tip 4: Take extra precautions

If you live in dry or windy areas, take extra precautions when using fireworks. These conditions can increase the fire risk and make spreading flames easier. In these situations, it is best to avoid using fireworks altogether.

Additionally, if you have pets, take precautions to keep them safe. The loud noises and bright lights from fireworks can be frightening for animals, causing them to run away or injure themselves. Keep pets indoors during firework displays and provide a safe, quiet space.

How SERVPRO can help when fire damage occurs

Accidents and property damage can occur even with the best firework safety precautions. However, if your property does experience fire damage from fireworks, SERVPRO can help. Our team of professionals has the experience, equipment, and expertise to restore your property quickly and efficiently.

At SERVPRO, we understand that every fire damage situation is unique, and we work with you to develop a customized plan to meet your needs. Our team is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and provide fast, reliable service. We also work closely with insurance companies to make the claims process as smooth as possible. Contact us today for emergency fire damage services or any questions about fire damage restoration.

Extension Cord Fire: 5 Tips for Optimal Safety

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

An extension cord properly wrapped to avoid fire damage. SERVPRO professionals are known for their fast services when it comes to fire cleanup.

An extension cord fire can strike at a moment's notice. 

Extension cord fires can be a severe hazard, potentially leading to extensive property damage. The professionals at SERVPRO of East and South Dayton know that it is essential that people take the necessary precautions when using extension cords to avoid an extension cord fire. 

This article will examine five tips for optimal safety when avoiding extension cord fires. We'll discuss topics such as choosing the right extension cords for the job, checking for frayed wires or damaged insulation on extension cords before using them, using extension cords with built-in overload protection, and more. By following these tips and examples provided throughout this article, you can help prevent extension cord fires from occurring in your home or workplace.

Who is susceptible to an extension cord fire?

When it comes to extension cord fires, anyone who uses extension cords is at risk. Whether you're a homeowner looking to power some extra lights for holiday decorations or a construction worker needing to power multiple tools on-site, extension cord fires can happen in any situation. It's essential to know extension cord fire safety and to remember that extension cords are not intended for permanent use—only use them temporarily and unplug them from the outlet when not in use.

SERVPRO's tips to avoid an extension cord fire

Not a single extension cord fire is 100% preventable, but people can take a few steps to lower their risks of extension cord fires. Here are five tips from SERVPRO of East and South Dayton to help you avoid extension cord fires: 

  1. Select the proper extension cords for the job: Make sure you use an extension cord designed for the job you are trying to accomplish. Some extension cords are rated for outdoor use, while others are only suitable for indoor use. Additionally, extension cords come in different wattage ratings – make sure the extension cord you select can handle the wattage of whatever device or appliance it will be powering. 
  2. Check extension cords before use: Always check them for frayed wires or damaged insulation. An extension cord should not be used and requires replacement if it has any visible signs of damage. 
  3. Use extension cords with built-in overload protection: Extension cords equipped with built-in overload protection are designed to prevent extension cord fires from occurring. These extension cords are more expensive than traditional ones, but they can be well worth the investment for safety and peace of mind. 
  4. Avoid overloading extension cords: It's important to never overload an extension cord by plugging in too many devices or appliances at once. Overloading could cause the extension cord to overheat, potentially resulting in a fire. If you need to power multiple devices, use two extension cords or a power strip for added safety. 
  5. Unplug extension cords when not in use: Extension cords must be unplugged from outlets when they are not in use. Not only will this help prevent extension cord fires, but it can also help save energy and money in the long run. 

What to do after an extension cord fire outbreak?

As mentioned, extension cord fires can be severe and cause extensive property damage if left unchecked. Therefore, when you experience an extension cord fire in your home or workplace, turn off the power to the circuit affected by the fire, leave the area immediately, and call 911. 

After the fire is put out, the extension cord fire damage should always be handled by a professional fire restoration company with the capability and experience to restore your property correctly. Things to consider when choosing the right fire restoration company:

  • Ensure that the fire restoration company is certified, insured, and bonded.
  • Ensure that they are available 24/7.
  • Look at references from their recent customers.
  • Ensure they can adequately perform insurance estimates.

SERVPRO's extension cord fire restoration services

The professionals at SERVPRO of East and South Dayton are available 24/7 to help you with any extension cord fire restoration needs. We have the expertise to handle all types of electrical fires and smoke and soot damage caused by fire. Our team will work quickly to assess the damage and take any necessary steps to restore your property to its pre-fire condition. 

We understand how devastating a fire can be and are here to help you throughout the process. Contact us today if you have experienced an extension cord fire in your home or workplace.

5 Candle Safety Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

11/28/2022 (Permalink)

Three candles in a home that are following candle safety practices. The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to help combat a candle fire disaster.

Understanding candle safety can help prevent devastating fires on your property.

With many different scents, it's no wonder that candles have become such a popular way to enjoy peace and quiet while transforming spaces through smell. However, as much as we love them, candles can pose a serious fire hazard if they're not used correctly.

The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek want you to understand candle safety to help keep your family and home safe from fire damage. We receive numerous calls for fire damage restoration after a candle fire every year. Therefore, we intimately know the devastation they can cause. But the worst part about candle fires is that most of the time, they are preventable.

The following blog post will discuss five candle safety tips every homeowner should know. Educating yourself on candle fire safety can help prevent a dangerous situation in your home.

Candle fire statistics

Before diving into candle safety tips, let's look at candle fire statistics. According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are about 20 home fires caused by candles daily, with the days around Christmas being the peak of candle fires. Of note, three of every five home candle fires occurred when a combustible material was too close to the candle flame.

Candle safety tips

With the holiday season right around the corner, now is the perfect time to review candle safety tips. By taking a few moments to educate yourself on candle fire safety, you can help prevent a dangerous situation in your home. Here are our five candle safety tips:

1) Keep candles away from flammable and combustible objects

Keeping candles away from flammable and combustible objects may seem like an obvious safety tip, but it's often overlooked. Removing all flammable items within a one-foot safety circle around a burning candle is essential. One of the locations often overlooked is the window seal. Drapes and blinds are highly flammable, so it is vital never to place candles in windows near blinds or curtains.

2) Don't leave burning candles unattended

This candle safety tip is crucial: never leave a candle burning unattended, even for a short period. If you have to leave the room, blow out all the candles before you go.

3) Use candle holders that are sturdy and won't tip over

When choosing a candle holder, please select a sturdy one that won't tip over easily. Glass candle holders are a good option because they are less likely to tip over than other types of candle holders. Also, place candles on stable surfaces.

4) Keep candles out of reach of children and pets

Keep candles out of reach of children and pets because of the risk of knocking them over. In addition, the flame can be harmful if touched, and candle wax can also cause burns.

5) Trim all candle wicks

When candle wicks are too long, they can produce taller flames that are more likely to cause a fire. So be sure to trim candle wicks to about ¼ inch before each use.

Following these candle safety tips can help prevent a fire in your home. However, knowing the best company to contact when a fire occurs is essential to being prepared for a fire disaster. 

Trust SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek to combat any fire damage

Today, we discussed five candle safety tips every homeowner should know. Candle fires are preventable, but if one does occur in your home, the professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek are here to help.

SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is a fire damage restoration company that understands the devastation a fire can cause and will work quickly to restore your home to its pre-fire condition. We have the training, experience, and equipment to handle all aspects of the fire damage restoration process.

Please get in touch with us today if you have questions about our fire damage restoration services or candle safety tips. We are always here to help!

Garage Fire Damage: The 3 Most Common Causes

9/19/2022 (Permalink)

Garage fire damage to a Dayton home. The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to help combat fire damage!

The number one best way to avoid garage fire damage is to be aware of how they begin.

The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek have seen it all when it comes to fire damage and know that a fire is often preventable. We want to ensure you and your family are as safe as possible and avoid the devastation of a preventable fire because fire damage can leave your garage and home in disarray and cause long-lasting damage if not adequately treated. 

In the past year, we have received multiple service calls regarding garage fire damage. Out of all the garage fires that we have restored, we have seen three causes reoccur the most often: 

  1. Flammable materials improperly stored
  2. Gas-engine malfunctions 
  3. Indoor grilling

The following blog post will look at each of these causes in more detail so you can be as prepared as possible and avoid fire damage to your garage.

What is garage fire damage?

Garage fire damage is any fire damage that occurs in the garage. Depending on the cause and the burn time, the size could be anything from a small fire to a large blaze that engulfs the entire garage. It is essential to follow garage fire safety because a garage fire can be devastating, leaving your home and belongings in disarray. Garage fire damage can also cause long-lasting damage to your home if not properly treated.

The causes of garage fires

Garage fire damage is a severe issue that can have several causes. The most common causes of garage fires are flammable materials improperly stored, engine malfunctions, and indoor grilling. Let's discuss these three garage fire causes in further detail below.

Flammable materials improperly stored: one of the most common causes of garage fire is flammable materials that are improperly stored. For example, many people store gasoline, paint thinner, and oil in their garage, and when these items are exposed to heat or an open flame, they can easily ignite and cause a fire. Therefore, it is best to store all flammable materials safely away from heat sources to prevent them from starting a garage fire.

Gas-engine malfunctions: another common cause of a garage fire is gas-engine malfunctions. When a car or other gas-powered engine overheats, it can easily ignite any nearby flammable materials and cause a fire. Therefore, you will want to have all gas-powered engines regularly serviced and keep them clean to avoid a fire outbreak.

Indoor grilling: another common cause of garage fire is indoor grilling. Many people use their garage as a place to grill, but if a garage is not well ventilated, it can easily ignite any nearby flammable materials and cause a fire. To prevent this, it's essential to grill outdoors in a well-ventilated area.

Steps to follow to restore your garage after a fire

Even the most prepared property owners can suffer from garage fire damage. So, after a garage fire, you will want to follow these steps to ensure that your garage is properly restored:

  1. Contact a fire restoration company. The right fire restoration company will have the experience and training to restore your garage and belongings properly.
  2. Call your insurance provider. Your homeowner's insurance should cover garage fire damage, so it's essential to call your provider and start the claims process as soon as possible.
  3. Prioritize removing all important damaged items from the garage. Some important items may include paperwork, clothing, and oriental rugs.

How do the professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek help after a garage fire?

When you call our SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek professionals, we will work quickly to restore your garage to its pre-fire condition. After we receive your emergency service call, we will:

  • Inspect the garage for any safety hazards.
  • Remove any damaged belongings from the garage.
  • Clean and deodorize the garage by removing any soot or smoke residue.
  • Repair any damage caused by the fire.
  • Restore any salvageable contents

We understand that garage fires can be devastating, so we will work quickly and efficiently to get your garage and home back to normal. If you have any questions or want to schedule an estimate, don't hesitate to contact us today.

5 BBQ Grill Fire Prevention Tips: Avoid Fire Damage!

6/6/2022 (Permalink)

A grill caught on fire from being too dirty Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for fast responding services!

The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek have seen the devastation that a grill fire can cause, and we want to help you avoid severe damage. 

Summer is BBQ season! But before you get too excited about all of those backyard cookouts, be sure to read the BBQ grill fire prevention tips mentioned in this blog post. 

The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek understand that BBQs are a great way to entertain friends and family. Still, they can also be a significant source of fire damage if not used safely. 

Here are 5 BBQ grill fire prevention tips to help keep your summer BBQs safe:

  1. Keep a close eye on the grill at all times.
  2. Make sure the grill is in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Clean the grill regularly to prevent grease build-up
  4. Keep flammable materials away from the grill.
  5. Use the right fuel.

Keep on reading to learn more about each of these tips in detail!

What causes a grill fire?

Grill fires can happen for various reasons, but the most common cause is an overheated grill. When the fat or grease from your food drips down onto the heat source, it can cause a fire. Grill fires can also happen by sparks from the grill or something coming in contact with the heat source.

Five tips to prevent grill fires

Now that we know what can cause a grill fire let’s go over some tips on avoiding them.

1) Keep a close eye on the grill at all times

Keeping a close eye on your grill may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s essential to keep a close eye on it whenever it’s in use. If you leave the grill unattended, you risk a fire starting.

2) Make sure the grill is in a well-ventilated area

It’s essential to make sure the grill is in a well-ventilated area so that the smoke from the grill has somewhere to go. If the smoke is trapped, it can cause a fire.

3) Clean the grill regularly to prevent grease build-up

One of the best ways to avoid a grill fire is to keep your grill clean. When you remove any old food and grease build-up, it reduces the chances of a fire. Make sure to clean your grill before and after each use.

4) Keep flammable materials away from the grill.

It’s important to keep anything flammable away from the grill. Everyday flammable items include things like paper plates, napkins, and towels. If these materials come in contact with the heat source, they can catch fire quickly.

5) Use the right fuel

Another way to prevent grill fires is to use the correct fuel type. Only use charcoal or propane in your grill, and make sure to follow the instructions on how to light the grill. Never add accelerants to your grill, as this can cause a fire.

What to do if a grill fire starts

If a grill fire does start, the first thing you should do is turn off the heat source. If the fire is small, you can try to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher. If the fire is large, or if you cannot put it out, call 911 immediately.

Once the fire has been extinguished, you will need to assess the damage. If there is any damage to your grill, it’s essential to have it repaired or replaced before using it again.

If your home sustains any fire damage from the grill fire, SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is here to help. We are a 24-hour emergency service company, and we will respond quickly to your call.

Wrapping up

Preventing grill fires this summertime will help you avoid costly repairs and damages. Use these five tips to help you enjoy a safe and fun summer grilling season!

When you contact us, we will start the fire damage restoration process right away. Our fire restoration process includes:

  • Assessment of the damage
  • Board-up and tarp-over services
  • Pack out of undamaged belongings
  • Contents cleaning
  • Demolition
  • Cleaning
  • Deodorization
  • Reconstruction

We understand the stress that comes with a fire in your home. Our goal is to make the restoration process as smooth and stress-free as possible for you. We will work with your insurance company and keep you updated throughout the entire process.

If you have any questions about fire damage restoration or if you need emergency services, feel free to contact us today. We are here to help!

4 Memorial Day Fire Safety Tips to Avoid Fire Damage

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

An American flag on a grave site to celebrate memorial day The professionals at SERVPRO want you to have a safe Memorial Day!

SERVPRO receives many fire damage calls during Memorial Day Weekend.

Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who have died in service to our country. It's also a time for family and friends to come together and enjoy some good food, fun, and fireworks.

We don't want to be a buzzkill, but we know firsthand that fire damage can quickly turn a fun day into a disaster. Therefore, in the following blog post, we will go over four Memorial Day fire safety tips to help avoid fire damage this holiday weekend.

By following the fire safety tips mentioned in this blog post, you can help avoid a fire disaster and keep your Memorial Day weekend fun and safe.

What is fire damage?

Fire damage is damage caused by fire, whether from a structure fire, wildfires, or even BBQ grill fires. It can include damage to your home or business and your belongings.

When fire damage occurs, you will likely need the help of a professional fire restoration company, such as SERVPRO, to clean up and restore your property.

Tips to avoid fire damage this Memorial Day weekend

1. Keep flammable materials away from heat sources

This one seems like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many people we see each year have left their charcoal or lighter fluid too close to the grill causing fire damage. These materials can easily ignite if they get too hot, so keeping them far away from heat sources is essential.

2. Never leave a burning grill unattended

We know you'll be busy chatting with friends and family, but never leaving a fire unattended is essential. If you need to step away from the grill, make sure someone else is there to watch it.

3. Use fireworks in a safe area

Fireworks are a lot of fun, but they can also be very dangerous. Always read the instructions before using them, and make sure you're using them in a safe area. We recommend using them in an open area away from houses or trees.

4. Have a fire extinguisher on hand

In case of an emergency, it's essential to have a fire extinguisher on hand. A fire extinguisher will help put out a small fire before it gets out of control.

What to do if a fire occurs this memorial day weekend?

If a fire occurs this Memorial Day Weekend, you need to remember that it is essential to stay calm and act fast while following these steps:

  1. Get everyone out of the house or building right away.
  2. Call 911 to report the fire.
  3. Once you are outside, stay there and do not go back inside for any reason.
  4. Wait for firefighters to arrive and put out the fire.
  5. Contact a reliable fire restoration company once the fire is out.

The best fire restoration company in Ohio 

If you have experienced fire damage, SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is here to help. We are a trusted leader in the fire restoration industry with the resources and training from the IICRC to handle any size fire damage project.

Our SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek fire restoration services include:

  • 24/7 emergency services
  • Board-up and tarping services
  • Smoke and soot removal
  • Odor control
  • Contents cleaning and restoration
  • Reconstruction services

No matter how big or small the fire damage is, SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek has the experience and resources to get the job done right.

Final thoughts

It is always better to be cautious about fire damage and avoid it altogether but if you experience fire damage this weekend, remember that SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is here to help.

In order to prevent fire damage, it is essential to remember the following safety tips this Memorial Day weekend:

  • Keep flammable materials away from heat sources
  • Never leave a burning grill unattended
  • Use fireworks in a safe area
  • Have a fire extinguisher on hand

Please contact us if you experience fire damage or have any questions about our fire restoration services.

We hope you have a fun and safe Memorial Day Weekend!

5 Most Common Causes of an Electrical Fire: What to Look Out For

3/28/2022 (Permalink)

electrical fire caused by faulty wiring in a Dayton home. Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when your property suffers from an electrical fire.

Did you know that electrical fires are one of the leading causes of property damage in the United States?

On average, electrical fires account for more than $1.5 billion in damages each year. That's why it's essential to be aware of the five most common causes of electrical fires, so you can take steps to prevent them from happening in your home or office.

Like most people, you probably don't think about electrical fires until it's too late. And by then, it's often too late to do anything about them. This blog post will look at the five most common causes of electrical fires and what you can do to prevent them.

We'll also discuss why calling SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek for fire restoration services is the best decision you can make if your Dayton property suffers an electrical fire.

What is an Electrical Fire

An electrical fire is a type of fire that may cause severe property damage. Electrical fires can occur in any building, including homes and office buildings, and at any time. The professionals at SERVPRO have seen homes wholly burned to the ground from electrical fires. To truly understand electrical fires, it is essential to know their causes.

The five leading causes of electrical fires

According to our list of fire restoration call data, there are five leading causes of electrical fires in homes:

  1. Overloaded circuits
  2. Faulty wiring
  3. Using ungrounded outlets
  4. Defective appliances
  5. Improper use of extension cords

Overloaded circuits

Overloaded circuits are one of the most common causes of electrical fires. When too many appliances or devices are plugged into a single outlet, it can cause an overload that may lead to a fire. It would be best to use surge protectors for all your electronics to prevent this from happening and never plug more than two devices into a single outlet.

Faulty wiring

Faulty wiring is another leading cause of electrical fires. Homes over 30 years old are especially at risk, as they may have outdated or damaged wiring. If you live in an older home, it's essential to have your wiring checked by a licensed electrician.

Using ungrounded outlets

Ungrounded outlets are another common cause of electrical fires. These outlets are not properly grounded and can cause an electrical fire. Always use grounded outlets when plugging in appliances or devices to prevent this from happening.

Defective appliances

Defective appliances are another leading cause of electrical fires. If an appliance is not working correctly, it can overheat and start a fire. To prevent this from happening, always check your appliances for signs of wear and tear, and never use them if they seem defective.

Improper use of extension cords

Extension cords are standard in many homes and offices, but they can also be a fire hazard if misused. If you must use an extension cord, make sure it pairs appropriately with the appliance or device. Also, never use more than one extension cord per outlet, and always unplug them when you're not using them.

Handling an electrical fire

When you have an electrical fire, it's essential to handle it promptly and safely. If possible, the first thing you should do is unplug all appliances and devices from the outlet. Then, call your local fire department. Once the fire is out, you'll need to call a professional fire restoration company like SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek to assess the damage and begin the restoration process.

Why Choose SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek?

SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is a professional fire restoration company with years of experience restoring properties that electrical fires have damaged. We understand the unique challenges of fire damage, and we have the knowledge and expertise to get your property back to its pre-fire condition.

We're also a locally owned and operated company, so we're familiar with the Dayton area and local homeowners and businesses owners. We're here to help you recover from an electrical fire, and we'll work diligently to restore your property to its pre-fire condition.

Please get in touch with us today to learn more about our fire restoration services and how we can help you combat an electrical fire.

5 Tips to Prevent Oven Fires & Keep Your Kitchen Safe

2/28/2022 (Permalink)

A dirty oven A dirty oven is more likely to catch fire!

An oven fire can cause thousands of dollars worth of fire damage.

The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek know all about fire damage and the claim process that comes along with it. They also know that the most common location for fire damage in a residential property is in the kitchen.

Restoring a property after a kitchen fire is no cakewalk, and the number one best way to protect your property from potential fire hazards is through prevention. So to help you avoid a headache down the line, we have put together the following blog post to discuss five tips to help prevent oven fires from happening in your kitchen. By the end of this post, you will know how to keep your kitchen safe and avoid a potentially disastrous oven fire. So let's get this post underway!

What is an oven fire?

An oven fire is an uncontrolled fire that occurs in the oven. Oven fires can cause extensive damage to your property. Therefore, it's essential to be aware of the causes of oven fires so that you can take precautions and avoid disaster.

What are the common causes of oven fires?

Several different things can cause an oven fire. Some of the most common causes include cooking too oily foods, not using the correct baking temperature, and leaving food in the oven for too long. Additionally, these items should never go in the oven.

Preventing an oven fire

We are about to go over five tips to prevent an oven fire from happening in your kitchen. By following these tips, you can help keep your home and kitchen safe!

Tip 1: Using the proper cooking temperature

When baking foods in an oven, it's essential to use the correct cooking temperature. For example, if you're baking something that requires a temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, don't turn the temperature dial up to speed up the cooking time.

Tip 2: Only cook in a clean oven

Another common way to prevent an oven fire is by making sure that your oven is clean. Over time, things like spilled food can start to collect at the bottom of the oven. An oven fire is likely to catch on these food particles; therefore, you should always clean your oven after each use.  

Tip 3: Keep a close watch while cooking

When you're cooking in the oven it's essential that you do not leave the oven unattended. Paying close attention is an easy way to prevent an oven fire from happening because if something starts to burn or smoke, you can put out the fire quickly before it becomes any larger.

Tip 4: Cover food that might splatter

Another way to prevent an oven fire is by covering food that might splatter in the oven with foil or a lid.

Tip 5: Never use a malfunctioning oven

If an oven is not working correctly, do not use it. Cooking with a broken oven can be a way to start an oven fire accidentally. 

What to do after your kitchen has fire damage?

You may be reading this blog post because you have recently had an oven fire in your kitchen; if this is the case, it's essential to have a fire restoration professional come out and estimate the damage in your home. 

Contacting the SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek professionals is a great way to restore your property quickly. After receiving your call, a SERVPRO professional will come out and inspect any fire damage and provide you with a restoration estimate. Once you approve the estimate, the SERVPRO team will restore your property to its prior condition. 

SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week. These IICRC certified professionals know how to combat fire damage, remove any smoke damage that might have occurred, and restore your property to its original state before the fire took place. 

Please contact us today for more information!

5 Great Ways To Prevent House Fires In The Winter

11/29/2021 (Permalink)

damaged cabinets from a kitchen house fire in the winter. Contact the fire restoration professionals at SERVPRO for superb services!

The winter months bring new obstacles when it comes to preventing fire damage.

As the temperatures drop, properties are prone to things like frozen pipes and house fires. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prepare your home for winter that will help ensure that disasters don’t happen to your home this winter season.

The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek have put together the following blog post to keep you safe from home fire damage in the winter. Fire damage is known to cause tremendous damage to your home. Being proactive and making a few simple changes now can help ensure that you have a safe place for those cold winter nights ahead!

What are the causes of winter house fires?

When it comes to the winter months, our fire restoration professionals know to expect a rise in the number of fire damage claims. That is because house fires are more common in the winter due to the increased use of heating devices such as space heaters, wood-burning stoves, and fireplaces.

Another major cause of winter house fires is Christmas trees. Christmas trees can become extremely dry and flammable. Pair a dry tree with lights, and you have a potential fire disaster waiting to happen. Remember that one should never place a Christmas tree near heating sources like fireplaces or space heaters.

Five winter house fire prevention tips

1) Check your smoke alarm batteries twice a year

One of the best ways to avoid house fires is by having working smoke alarms on each level of your home. We recommend you test your smoke alarms monthly to ensure they are correctly installed and working. 

2) Properly place space heaters

It is common for us to use space heaters during the winter months to stay warm and comfortable. The biggest threat when using space heaters is close combustible items. Just remember to keep combustibles at least three feet away from any heating source and only to plug one heater into an outlet at a time.

3) Clear the area around your fireplace before lighting

A common cause of a house fire is when people forget to clean the area around their fireplace before attempting to light it. A dirty fireplace with highly combustible materials is a fire hazard. As an additional fireplace safety measure, you can install a screen in front of your fireplace.

4) Keep combustibles away from stovetops and ovens

Keeping combustibles away from any heat source is imperative for avoiding fire damage. Some everyday items which can be combustibles in the kitchen include:

  • Dry goods
  • Paper towels and paper plates.
  • Dishtowels
  • Oven mitts

5) Have an easily accessible fire extinguisher

It’s essential to prepare for the worst. For example, having an easily accessible fire extinguisher in or near your kitchen can provide you with a sense of safety and security and increase the likelihood that you will be able to put out a fire before it causes severe damage.

Wrapping up

The winter months are beautiful, but they can also be hazardous. By taking the simple steps listed above, you will significantly decrease any risk of fire damage to your property this winter. The first step in the fight against winter fire damage is being proactive and making small changes in preparation for the upcoming winter months.

We hope you enjoyed the following blog post. The professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek are here to help you and your family recover from fire damage. The locals of Dayton, Ohio, choose us as their primary restoration service provider because we are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide immediate emergency services.

Fire Retardant Paint: 3 Great Benefits In Applying Fire Retardant Paint

10/18/2021 (Permalink)

Fire retardant paint being applied to a wall Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for professional construction services!

Fire retardant paints consist of chemicals that prevent or reduce heat release, flame spread, and smoke generation in the event of a fire.

Fire safety is a critical issue for many residential and commercial property owners; as property owners, we choose to install smoke detectors, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers. The latest safety measure trend is the choice to paint with fire retardant paint. Fire retardant paints are designed to slow the spread of fires. The following blog post will provide three great facts about fire retardant paint and why they are the hottest trend for fire prevention.

What is fire retardant paint?

Fire retardant paints contain chemicals and additives that prevent or reduce heat released, flame spread, and smoke generation in the event of a fire. Fire retardant paint is perfect for both homes and businesses. A property owner can apply fire retardant paint on various materials such as wood, drywall, metal, aluminum siding, and fiberglass panels.

When to use fire retardant paint?

Fire safety should always be a concern for residential and commercial property owners. One of the main aspects of fire safety that property owners need to consider is preventing fires before spreading anywhere else in the home or building. 

Fires can range from tiny sparks to large blazes, but homeowners that choose to paint with fire retardant paints ensure the safety of all family members because the fire will be out before it has a chance to grow. 

A property owner should use fire retardant paints on all exposed wood surfaces, window frames, and other flammable objects prone to catching fire no matter the property type. Another great idea for using fire retardant paint is on the underside of decks or porches. When applying the fire retardant paint, you will want to apply 2-4 coats for maximum efficacy.

Fire safety is also critical for many organizations that utilize or store large amounts of flammable materials such as paints, solvents, and fuels. Therefore, these organizations should be especially concerned with initiating a high level of fire safety throughout their property. The first step for creating a safe environment is by applying fire retardant paints on all exposed wood surfaces, fiberglass objects, and other flammable surfaces surrounding the areas containing flammable materials.

What are the 3 benefits of fire retardant paint?

Applying fire retardant paints to your property will:

  1. Reduce the flammability and combustion of building materials it coats.
  2. It can be applied on metal, wood, lacquered surfaces, etc.
  3. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor surfaces.

Who to call for a fire retardant paint application?

When considering applying fire retardant paint to your property, you should contact a professional construction company like SERVPRO that has experience applying all types of paints. The right company will know the areas that require fire retardant paint application and the best way to prevent a fire from spreading. 

Wrapping up

We hope you enjoyed learning about the benefits of fire retardant paint and why it is the latest trend in fire safety. Fire-retardant paints do not prevent fires from occurring but delays the expansion of fires in a fire. In terms of painting your home, the application process should be done at least every five years so you can avoid disaster and get a fresh coat of paint. 

Please contact the professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek if your property has recently experienced fire damage or would like a reputable company to apply fire retardant paint. Our IICRC certified professionals are available 24/365 to help return your property to its pre-fire condition as quickly and efficiently as possible! Our fire damage restoration services include fire cleanup, smoke removal, water extraction from wet building materials, contents cleaning, and decontamination.

4 Common Causes of Dayton House Fires and How to Prevent Them

7/12/2021 (Permalink)

Dayton house on fire SERVPRO is always available for residential fire restoration services!

Understanding the common causes of a house fire is the first step in prevention.

After a Dayton house fire breaks out, a homeowner should contact the Dayton Fire Department and a reliable Dayton fire restoration company to prevent further damages. Did you know, on average, the Dayton Fire Department receives more than 60 calls for house fires a year? The professionals at SERVPRO are not happy with the high amount of house fire calls. Our fire restoration professionals are not just available to help you with your fire damage home insurance claim, we also want to help prevent Dayton house fires from occurring altogether.

This blog post aims to help the locals of Dayton, Ohio, understand the potential causes of Dayton house fires. We will be going over the four most common causes and how these causes of fires can be prevented.

Dayton house fires can cause severe damages.

Every Dayton house fire is different, and the amount of damage present in the residential property will dictate the amount of time necessary to restore the damaged property.

A house fire in Dayton will leave the two main types of damages:

1) Structural damage

The structural damage caused by a Dayton house fire may be one of the most costly repairs. The fire restoration process can take anywhere from one to three months, depending on the severity of the damages.

2) Contents damage

During a Dayton house fire, the contents within a home will be left damaged. Therefore, the damaged items will need to be professionally cleaned to remove all indications of fire damage. The contents of a home can be cleaned in as little as one week or may take up to three months, depending on the severity.

4 Common causes of Dayton house fires with prevention tips

The following list of common causes of Dayton house fires is listed in order from most common to least.

1) Cooking Related Fires

Cooking-related fires are the most common cause of house fires in Dayton. Cooking-related fires are easily preventable by always staying close by and watching the entire cooking process: if you see or smell smoke, stop what you are doing and turn off all heating sources as soon as possible.

2) Electrical fires

Electrical fires occur when there is faulty wiring insulation causing a short circuit or overloaded circuits with too many appliances running at once. If you think you may have an electrical issue or live in an older Dayton home, you should get your electrical wiring checked by a professional electrician.

3) Smoking fires

It is common for a smoking fire to occur when someone falls asleep while smoking. Therefore, it is best to smoke outside and avoid smoking near any combustible items to prevent a smoking-related fire.

4) Candle fires

Candles will make a residential home smell and feel welcoming but can also cause fire damage when placed in the wrong location. Extinguishing the candle before leaving the candlelit room and keeping the flame away from combustible materials is the best way to prevent a house fire from occurring.  

Wrapping up

As you can see, house fires can cause severe damages to the structure and the sentimental contents inside. We hope that you now understand the four most common causes of Dayton house fires so that you can prevent a future fire outbreak from occurring. For a further resource, check out safety tips by the National Fire Protection Association!

Contact the professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek if you recently have had a fire in your home or have additional questions on preventing a house fire from occurring. Our IICRC certified professionals are available to help 24/7, 365 days a year, for fire restoration services.

3 Tips for Removing Cigarette Smoke Odors

6/7/2021 (Permalink)

Cigarette butts in a home ashtray causing smoke odors  Contact the SERVPRO team in Dayton that is ready to remove all unwanted cigarette smoke odors.

Removing cigarette smoke smells can be difficult without the proper knowledge. 

The smell of cigarette smoke can be challenging to remove from your home or business. It is challenging because smoke particles easily cling to all surfaces and fabrics and are nearly impossible to remove with just a vacuum cleaner and air fresheners. Luckily, there are DIY ways you can try to remove the smells left behind by cigarettes in your house. In this blog post, we will discuss 3 tips for removing cigarette smoke odors from your home and make it fresh again!

The three tips

  1. Proper ventilation
  2. Create DIY solutions 
  3. Utilize smoke removal equipment 

What is proper ventilation?

In a house that has been damaged by cigarette smoke damage, you will want to start by properly ventilating the home. To ventilate a home, you will want to keep windows and doors open and use fans to increase air circulation. While ventilating the home, you should also replace your home's HVAC air filters. Many homeowners forget that air filters should be replaced every two to three months for best air filtration results.

Removing cigarette smoke smells out of hard surfaces.

When you look to remove any unwanted cigarette smells from your home, you will want to ensure all hard surfaces are cigarette smoke smell-free. For starters, you can make a 50/50 solution that includes vinegar and water on all the hard surfaces. You can use this solution on the following hard surfaces: 

  • Walls
  • Light fixtures 
  • Doors
  • Doorknobs 
  • fan blades
  • Picture frames 
  • tchotchkes
  • Windows

Consider throwing out 

Cigarette smoke smell is easily absorbed by items that are made from fabrics like cotton. Consider throwing away the following items: 

  • Blankets 
  • Pillows
  • Stuffed animals
  • Mattresses 
  • Fabric couches
  • Curtains

The above items will be difficult to get a smoke smell out of, but not impossible. If you cannot part ways with some of your fabric items, there is a way you can get the cigarette smoke smell out of them; keep following along to find out how. 

How to get cigarette smoke smells out of fabric, upholstery, and carpeting? 

To remove the smoke smell from all fabric and upholstery, you will want to start with utilizing your washing machine by washing all items that can fit with 1/2 cup of vinegar instead of your normal detergent. For the items that do not fit inside your washing machine, you should put a little bit of baking soda on the affected smoke damage areas and let it sit for a few days, and then vacuum it up. 

For all carpeting damaged by cigarette smoke, you should rent a steam cleaner from your local hardware store and steam clean the carpets. (Note: you can also use a steam cleaner on drapes if it has the proper attachment.) 

When to call smoke removal experts

In many cases, cigarette smoke is too tough for a homeowner to remove on their own. When a customer calls for professional cigarette smoke removal, the professional will utilize an ozone generator. In the restoration industry, ozone is a known powerful cleanser used to eliminate odors. IICRC certified restorers are trained to use ozone generators and ensure the machine is properly placed to oxidize all cigarette smoke molecules completely. 

Smoke removal experts will also inspect the ducts of a home with debris that may contain smoke molecules. A home with any type of smoke damage will also likely contaminate the duct system, which will also affect the fresh air in a home. When the ducts are compromised with smoke damage, the restoration professionals will professionally clean your home's ducts. 

Why contact SERVPRO

When you contact the professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek, you will get a highly trained team that will focus on all areas that have been affected by cigarette smoke. 

Please feel free to contact us at any time for questions or services regarding cigarette smoke removal. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year, for all inquiries regarding smoke and fire damage restoration in Dayton.

5 Safety Tips To Avoid Chimney Fire Damage in Dayton Ohio

4/19/2021 (Permalink)

Home chimney in Dayton Ohio Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when you have chimney fire damage!

Chimney fire damage can be prevented 

Chimney fires are a lot more common than most people realize since most chimney fires aren't "full-on" fires that burst out from the top of the chimney and burn the house down. Tiny chimney fires are the most common; they start and then go out on their own but typically result in a damaging cycle for your chimney.

This blog post will discuss how many chimney fires start in Dayton and provide prevention tips to avoid unwanted fire disasters.

How do chimney fires start?

It's far too common for chimney fires to start when debris (nests and leaves) and creosote buildup within the chimney. Burning unseasoned wood, a limited air supply (like failing to open the damper), lower than average chimney temperatures, overloading the firebox are all conditions that promote creosote buildup. 

Signs of a dirty chimney

  • The fireplace emits a strong odor of burned wood when not in use.
  • Poorly burning fires causing a lot of smoke in the home.
  • A black chimney damper. The damper is typically located directly above the firebox.

5 Safety tips to avoid chimney fire damage

1) Keep the chimney clean

Keeping your chimney clean is the easiest way to avoid chimney fire damage. Burning wood produces creosote, a hazardous and easily flammable byproduct. Creosote buildup on the interior walls of the chimney causes the majority of home chimney fires. Creosote may appear like tar-like texture or crusty and hard.

2) Use fireplace doors and a screen

Before starting a fire, it is best to have both a door and screen installed. Doors and screens will help prevent smoke, hot embers, and carbon monoxide from entering your home. 

3) Burn suitable materials 

Professional chimney cleanings will clear the fireplace flue of flammable creosote. However, by burning "clean" flames, you can help keep creosote from forming in the first place. Use seasoned wood that has been drying for at least six months and has a low moisture content. 

4) Keep the damper open 

When you're lighting a fire in your fireplace, leave the damper wide open to minimize creosote buildup.

5) Install a chimney cap

When loose embers move higher up the flue, debris such as leaves or bird nests may catch fire. Install a chimney cap to prevent unwanted materials from entering the chimney flue. 

The chimney cap will also prevent "back puffing," which occurs when escaping smoke re-enters the chimney and then your home. 

Lastly, a chimney cap will reduce moisture from entering your home. Water in your chimney can destroy the dampers, liners, and also mortar joints of your chimney. Keep in mind that chimney mold growth is common when there is excess water.  

Why are annual inspections so important? 

A previous chimney fire, particularly one that went unnoticed, may cause severe damage to your chimney system as well as your home. A damaged or melted roof, heat damage to your walls, ceilings, or structural beams near the chimney are all possible areas for fire damage. 

The most damaging outcome of a chimney fire is that it opens paths for carbon monoxide to enter the house and removes the protections that shield the home from future fires. A stray spark or second chimney fire could quickly lead to a house fire if the previous damage is not correctly repaired. So, with that being said, it's always wise to get an annual inspection done to ensure your chimney is ready to be put into use.

Call SERVPRO for chimney fire damage cleanup.

The professionals at SERVPRO get many calls a year regarding house fires caused by a chimney. When you call SERVPRO of East Dayton/ Beavercreek, a certified professional will come out and inspect the cause of the chimney fire damage so you can ensure that it doesn't happen again. Following a thorough inspection, we will then perform mitigation and restoration services to clean up and repair the fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO is a renowned company, and it has been serving the Dayton locals since 1967. Our team is fully equipped with state-of-the-art tools and has years of experience in cleaning after smoke damage and restoring chimney fire damage. We offer 24/7 emergency services to our customers, so feel free to contact us anytime!

9 Safety Tips to Avoid Space Heater Fire Hazards

3/29/2021 (Permalink)

Radiant heater in used in Dayton property. Misused space heaters can cause fire damage at any time of year!

Learn how to safely use a space heater and avoid unwanted fire hazards

According to the (NFPA) National Fire Protection Association, space heaters are responsible for one-third of most household fires and 80 percent of all winter heating fire accidents and deaths.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) said in a 2018 press release that heating equipment is the second-leading source of house fires in the United States and the third-leading cause of deaths from these household fires.

Although space heaters are typically used only in winter, some people like to use them in the summertime. A scenario where one might use a space heater in the summer months is when an individual at the office blasts the air conditioning and causes others to be cold. As news of Dayton house fires caused by portable space heaters continues to make headlines, many people keep questioning: are they worth the risk?

Are space heaters safe?

The issue isn't that space heaters are not safe; they're unsafe when not used properly. Heating equipment put too close to flammable items, such as clothing, upholstered furniture, curtains, paper, mattresses, bedding, or flammable liquids, is the primary cause of space heater fires.

9 Safety tips when using a space heater:

1) Carefully read the manufacturer's instructions before us a space heater and only purchase one with a UL tag. (UL as the ultimate symbol of safety on a space heater )

2) The location of space heaters is crucial. Remember these simple rules: stay three feet away from its heat or a meter away from the heater. Heaters should be placed at least three feet away from something that might catch fire.

3) Do not use the space heater if there are any signs of wear, damage, or fraying.

4) Always place the heater on a flat, solid surface. Do not place them on furniture or carpet or on something that can overheat. 

5) Always unplug the space heater after use.

6) Do not leave it on overnight and never leave it unattended.

7) During use, frequently check if the cord, plug, or wall is hot.

8) Never run a cord under your rug or carpet.

9) Use a wall outlet that is free of other devices.

Are all space heaters a fire hazard?

After reading the tips above, you might be questioning if all space heaters are fire hazards. The answer is that it all depends on the way they are being handled. 

Unfortunately, an improperly used space heater will potentially cause severe fire hazards. Older space heaters with insufficient safety features, space heaters placed close to flammable items, and incorrectly plugged can be fire hazards. It all comes down to if the user is properly using the space heater.   

4 Different types of space heaters

There are 4 main types of space heaters.

1) Ceramic heaters

A type of convection heater. It is a popular choice for homes with pets and kids, as the heater's body remains cool.

2) Infrared heaters

This type of space heater is a radiant heater where the infrared bulbs create heat. They work well for warming a single individual or a small area rather than a larger one. For example, one could put this type of heater under a desk in a colder office.

3) Fan-forced heaters

These convection heaters warm air around coils and distribute it around a room with an attached fan, making them common in offices and small workspaces. The fan guarantees that the heat will be evenly spread.

4) Radiant heaters

This type of heater heats objects near it or in its direction by passing heated water or oil through it. They can be found in living rooms, lounges, and dens. Since they can maintain heat for long periods even without consistent electricity is switched off. 

Final thoughts

Fire disasters always come without warning and at any time. Such an unfortunate thing can happen to anyone, so it is understandable to be worried about a space heater fire hazard. SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek specializes in Fire/Water/Mold restoration, and we are available 24/7 for any kind of structural damages to your property. 

If you suspect a fire starting in your house, leave your home immediately and call the local fire department. Call the IICRC certified professionals at SERVPRO when there is fire damage; we have the skills and training to restore your property to a pre-disaster state quickly. We are available to help you with your home insurance claim and to make your property seem like there was never a fire! Our emergency services are available 24/7, meaning you can contact us at any time of day!

What are Soot Webs After Fire Damages?

12/28/2020 (Permalink)

Black soot web in the corner of a home Soot webs are also known as black cobwebs

Soot webs are also known as black cobwebs 

A fire event in your house or property can be wild and unforgiving, causing unimaginable destruction. Not only does such an incident affect you emotionally and financially, but it also causes hidden damages such as lingering smoke damage and dark-colored soot webs hanging on walls- putting the health of your property at risk. Although these damages might not be as visible and noticeable, they might cause harm equivalent to the fire itself. 

SERVPRO is a reputable restoration company providing smoke and soot damage restoration services with its IICRC trained technicians and over-the-edge technology - to reinstate your property back to its original functional preloss shape in a relatively short time!

The aftermath, including smoke and soot released from the fire, can also cause the property to deteriorate and collapse. As soon as our 24/7 emergency restoration team reaches on-site, we inspect the site and perform several other tests to investigate any likely threats for future damages.

Our fire mitigation services include removing damaged components, or in this case, black cobwebs - using modern tools and suitable chemicals, evaluating property’s structural framing, clean up and deodorizing using odor counteractants - to help you with faster recovery with our efficient, prompt, and par excellence services!

What are soot webs?

We are often called up by our customers complaining of black spider webs in their post-fire-damaged properties, regardless of their weekly cleaning routine. While they sheepishly mistake it for their inadequate cleaning skills, being completely oblivious of the actual reason behind it.

During a fire, the burning of synthetic or petroleum-based material such as plastic, form, wood products, or paper can result in soot webs. The charged soot particles released from these sources stick together to make long chains of ionized soot, resulting in a web-like-structure known as black cobwebs. They are usually found on the ceilings and in the room corners due to low circulation in these areas. 

The build-up heat in a fire advances towards the structure’s cold places as the air seeks to attain atmospheric equilibrium. Thus the heat soot particles are carried away through the air towards the cold regions, where they concentrate - becoming soot webs. These smoke web structures are undoubtedly new, and as commonly perceived, they are not formed as a result of soot sticking to the cobwebs already existing before the fire outbreak.

How do you clean soot webs?

If, unfortunately, you find soot webs in your house or business property, never try to get rid of it on your own. Specialized training and machinery are necessary for cleaning soot webs. Cleaning soot webs on your own may lead to secondary damage and further trouble!

Depending upon the fire outbreak's nature, we strive to provide you with a solution well-suited to your restoration needs. SERVPRO, having years of experience in fire damage restoration, with its certified and efficient technicians and up-to-date tools and technology, assures to professionally assist you in removing smoke damage on walls!

While it's always good to educate yourself regarding precautionary methods to avoid getting yourself into any inconvenience; however, if you are caught in this unforeseen situation, do not panic; contact us right away.

Photoelectric vs. Ionization Smoke Detectors

11/16/2020 (Permalink)

photoelectric smoke detector on wall Photoelectric smoke detector

Choosing the right smoke detector will be a lifesaver when things go south. 

You never know when a fire will break out in your home or business. It is essential to take adequate measures to ensure that the loss is minimal when a fire breaks out. The ultimate goal is to control a fire before it’s too late. To be adequately prepared, it is essential to know the different types of smoke alarms. There are various kinds of smoke alarms, but the two that take the top spots are photoelectric smoke detectors and ionization smoke detectors. 

However, the question that arises is which among the two is a more suitable option. Well, let's find out!

What Are Photoelectric Smoke Detectors?

Photoelectric smoke detectors have been designed to read smoke patterns formed by smoldering and slow fires. These smoke detectors use a light-sensitive sensor that is steadily placed at a 90 degrees angle. When there is smoke around the detector, it agitates and scatters the light in the detector's chamber, causing it to initiate the smoke alarm. 

Some photoelectric smoke detectors available in the market come with the ability to detect carbon monoxide. Photoelectric smoke detectors and are highly efficient and also come with the following features:

  • It makes use of a light sensitivity sensor to decipher the smoke present in the area.
  • It is perfect for detecting fires that are characterized because of their slow and smoldering properties.
  • It minimizes false alarms that might be activated due to shower or cooking steam.

What Are Ionization Smoke Detectors?

Contrastingly, ionization smoke detectors are better known for their higher efficiency in detecting fast flaming fires at a property. These smoke detectors make use of a small amount of radioactive material safely kept between a couple of electrically charged plates. Ionization smoke detectors consist of a smooth flow of ionized air. When there is smoke within the smoke detector's proximity, the ionized airflow will be disturbed, and it would immediately initiate the alarm system. 

Some advanced ionized smoke detectors available in the market come with a more efficient mechanism that detects carbon monoxide in the air and offers even more protection to you and your family. Here are some of its other features:

  • These make use of a couple of electrically charged plates to detect any presence of smoke.
  • It is ideal for detecting fires with faster flaming properties.
  • These are more popular as compared to photoelectric smoke alarm systems due to market availability.

Which Is Better Among The Two Types of Smoke Alarms?

The little differences matter most, especially when your life is at stake. Imagine driving in a car with multiple airbags, but they fail to open when you get in an accident. How good are those airbags if they fail to serve their purpose? The same analogy goes for smoke detectors; how good is a smoke detector if it fails to initiate the alarm system when there is a fire in your home. That is why the SERVPRO professionals believe that it is essential to know the differences between the two kinds of smoke detectors and select the one that suits your property.

Firstly, photoelectric smoke detectors are designed to detect smoldering and slow fires compared to ionized smoke detectors that quickly detect faster flames. Ionized smoke detectors respond to fast fires about 30-90 seconds quicker than photoelectric smoke detectors. On the other hand, photoelectric smoke detectors detect smoke about a staggering 15-50 minutes quicker than ionized smoke alarms! The sad part is, there are several fatalities due to smoke inhalation, and not to fire.

The question remains the same, which smoke alarm should you choose for your property? Well, the answer is pretty straightforward, photoelectric alarm systems are far more preferable for residential properties. However, it can be argued that an ionized alarm system would be better for commercial properties as there is a much higher probability of a quickly flaming fire. But, if you want complete peace of mind and have enough time to prevent any fire damage, it is highly recommended that you go for a photosensitive smoke alarm.

What If There Is Some Fire Or Smoke Damage?

In the worst-case scenario, if there is some fire or smoke damage due to your alarm not being able to initiate on time or any other reason, SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek is here to help. As specialists in fire restoration, we will make sure everything goes back to normal in as little time as possible. We are available 24/7 and open 365 days a year!

Call us at (937) 228-3433.

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What Is Considered Smoke Damage? A Simple List of the 5 Pesky Types

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

Wall of Dayton Apartment that suffered from smoke damage Smoke Damage Cleaning Professionals in Dayton Ohio

SERVPRO smoke damage repair specialists help homeowners identify what to include in their fire damage claim  

Cleaning smoke damage is an extensive process. Depending on the size of the fire damage, cleanup can take days to months to perform. Worst-case scenarios require removing and replacing damaged drywall to make it “Like it never even happened.”

If your home has recently suffered from a fire loss, you may wonder what is considered smoke damage for insurance purposes.

Insurance companies have a strict set of protocols and documentation they require to qualify for coverage. This article will go into detail about the different types so you can know what to expect!

Smoke damage inspections.

After a fire occurs in your home, the first step is to contact a certified fire damage restoration professional, like SERVPRO. The following inspection will gauge the extent of the smoke damage

During this inspection, the fire damage professional will determine which type of smoke damage has affected your home. There can be different types within different areas, depending on the nature of the fire damage.

SERVPRO bases our cleaning procedures based on the information identified during the soot and smoke damage testing.

The 5 types of smoke damage

Five types of smoke damage can affect your walls and ceilings after a home fire–SERVPRO smoke damage repair crews offer services to clean the following type of residues:

  1. Wet smoke residues. Wet smoke residues result from smoldering fires with low heat. This type has residues that are incredibly sticky, smeary, and possess pungent odors. This type of residue is the most common type of smoke damage that occurs in Dayton home fires. 
  2. Dry smoke residues. Dry smoke residues come from scorching fires. This type of smoke residue is often dry, powdery, and small. 
  3. Protein residues. Protein residues are notorious for discoloring the paint and wallpaper on your walls. Protein residues leave an extremely pungent odor. During the SERVPRO smoke damage cleaning, the professional will install an air purifier to deal with the resultant smell from this type of smoke.
  4. Fuel oil soot. The best example of fuel oil soot is a furnace puff back. This type of smoke damage takes the form of thick black smoke filled with particles–these particles are the soot. 
  5. Smoke webs. Smoke webs are residues from plastics and other synthetic materials. They form long chains of ionized smoke particles that stick to the walls and ceilings of your home.

Before starting the smoke damage cleanup and restoration process, the homeowner must stop the soot from spreading through the centralized air system. To complete this crucial step, shut off the air conditioning or heating and open all doors and windows to allow fresh air to enter. This action ensures that smoke and soot particles aren’t throughout the rest of the house.  

Smoke damage cleanup tips.

The smoke damage cleaning process begins after the inspection and initial assessment. A trained professional will dust and vacuum any loose soot and smoke particles that have been created by the house fire. 

Next, the professional will use a dry-cleaning sponge (chemical sponge) for any walls and other hard surfaces. The chemicals within the sponge remove the smoke and soot stains. 

Water and any other liquid chemicals will spread the soot, making the affected area more extensive and, therefore, the cleanup more difficult. For this reason, we never use water or any soot cleaner before using the specialized sponge. 

Smoke damage cleaning products.

The smoke damage repair process begins with an inspection by fire damage restoration professionals. During this, they will evaluate the type of smoke your particular fire created, what kind of damage is present, and the materials damaged during the event. 

The smoke damage type will determine what kind of cleaning products are required. Our arsenal contains industrial-grade products to clean every type of smoke damage–from the basic to the most severe.

Ohio fire damage restoration.

SERVPRO smoke damage cleaning crews are the best in Ohio. When you are looking to hire a fire damage restoration company, make sure that they have the knowledge and ability to clean all size disasters.

If your home has recently suffered from a fire damage loss in Dayton, Ohio, call SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek to clean up the smoke damage. Our Dayton clean up crews are highly skilled and are available 24/7. Call us today! (937) 228-3433 

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5 Smoke Damage Clean Up Tips To Get Rid Of The Lingering Smell

7/6/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke damage clean up to Dayton apartment bedroom On this job, we had to perform extensive smoke damage clean up.

After a house fire occurs in your home, there will be immediate impacts that can be concerning. 

Fire damage can leave a property owner questioning the next steps in getting rid of the smoke smell in the affected areas. The professionals at SERVPRO know that the smoke smell is caused by smoke damage that has ingrained on your walls and in the fabric of your furniture. Though the smoke damage smell is difficult to remove, it is not impossible. In this post, we will go through 5 tips on removing the smoke smell from your home. We want our Dayton residents to know that fire damage is enough to deal with and that we want to help ease the unnecessary tension caused by the smoke smell. 

How to Quickly Get Rid of That Smoke Smell? 

At SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek, we have seen black soot covering all of the surfaces of a home after a severe fire occurs. On harder surfaces, we have found that the smoke smell will leave with time, but on softer surfaces (drapes, furniture cushions, carpet flooring), the smells will soak in. Taking specific measures are necessary to remove any smoke damage smells in your home. Here are the 5 smoke damage clean up tips to ease the cleaning process. 

  1. Ventilation

After a fire occurs in your home, it is essential to keep every door and window open for a full day so that fresh air passes through the home. Fresh air is critical to remove unwanted smoke damage smells. We also recommend placing many fans facing out of the house to help the ventilation process. Letting a smoke-damaged house breathe will get you ahead of the game before any significant smoke damage clean up occurs.  

  1. Home Remedy (Baking Soda)

One of the more natural methods for smoke damage clean up for getting rid of the smoke smell out of soft surfaces (drapes, furniture cushions, carpet flooring) is using baking soda. If you choose to use baking soda, we recommend starting with the carpeting of your home by sprinkling baking soda on your damaged carpets and massage the powder into the carpet with a broom. After an overnight soak vacuum the carpets the next day. The goal here is for the baking soda to neutralize the smoke damage smell. If the smell does not come out in the first round of this method, we recommend doing this over and over until it does. The baking soda treatment does not solely work on carpeting; you can do this method on all of your soft surfaces by following the same procedures. 

  1. The power of vinegar 

Your home's washing machine can clean soft fabrics such as drapes, sheets, blankets, and damaged clothing. When cleaning these types of fabrics in your washing machine, we recommend using regular daily washing detergent with a cup of white vinegar. White vinegar is a deep, heavy-duty cleaner that can remove that unwanted smoke smell from any of your damaged fabrics. 

 For harder surfaces (like walls and countertops) affected by smoke damage, we recommend creating a solution to remove the smoke damage smell. The top-secret heavy-duty solution includes a quarter cup of white vinegar and a teaspoon of dish soap for every gallon of water. Once the solution has been all mixed up, place the solution in a spray bottle, and spray every hard solid surface in your house with it. For best practices, give the sprayed down surfaces time to sit and then wipe them with a clean cloth. 

  1. Dish Soap 

For all items that are removable and hard like children's toys, light fixtures, and window screens, we recommend soaking these items using dish soap filled in a bathtub. Soak for as long as you need to remove the unwanted smell of smoke damage. 

  1. Call you local Professionals.

We understand that we just gave you some home remedies to remove the unwanted smoke damage smell from the surfaces of your home. Keep in mind that smoke damage cleanup is not the most straightforward task to perform, especially when it is extensive. For any smoke damage clean up job, it is best to call the professionals at SERVPRO of East Dayton/ Beavercreek. We have all of the industrial cleaning equipment ready to give all of the surfaces and contents of your home a thorough cleaning. 

Don't Ignore the smoke damage smell in your home

The smoke and soot cleaning trained professionals here at SERVPRO are here to ease your tension after you have experienced fire damage. When we get that initial call, we will come and assess the damage and then create smoke damage clean up plan so that your house gets a thorough clean. Our fire restoration professionals make sure to remove all signs of soot and remove that unwanted smoke smell. We help residential and commercial customers in Dayton, Ohio, restore their affected property. Contact SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek at (937) 228-3433 for all home restoration needs and questions.

For more information about Dayton

Who to call After A Clothes Dryer Fire in Dayton?

5/25/2020 (Permalink)

Lint build-up Dryer lint build-up

Certified Disaster Mitigation Pros Are Available 24/7 to Restore Your Dayton Home  

Roughly 15,000 dryer fires occur each year across the US, causing an average of $192 million in direct property loss for homeowners. Most of these fatal dryer fires start by either dryer lint igniting or electrical failure. 

Fortunately for any homeowner living in the Dayton, Ohio surrounding areas has SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek a quick phone call away. Our SERVPRO team is ready to take care of the damage and restore your home to its preloss condition. We are here if you need assistance to mitigate fire damage from your Dayton laundry room. 

The Severity Fire Damage Restoration Dayton, OH

Every day, home cleaners are ill-equipped for a  fire restoration job. SERVPRO Dayton is equipped with the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)- materials. They must have all the proper chemicals at their disposal for fire damage clean up. Our certified chemicals will reduce odors, soot, and related residues. 

How To Prevent The Most Common Causes of Clothes Dryer Fire Damage?

  • Combusting lint. Make sure to clean out the lint filter after every load. Cleaning the filter will prevent flammable buildup. 
  • Outdoor vent flap obstructions.  Restricted airflow can cause problems where heat is not escaping your home.
  • Duct failures.  In order to avoid searching for fire damage restoration companies near Dayton, it is best to have your home ducts cleaned often. Regular cleaning of your ducts will prevent materials from building up in your Dayton home. 

SERVPRO Fire Damage Restoration 

Out of all the SERVPRO locations, SERVPRO of East Dayton/ Beavercreek knows any house fire requires a team that can clean up soot and repair fire damaged areas in your home. SERVPRO handles both soot and odor control with EPA-registered biocides and commercial-grade deodorizers. 

Dayton Ohio fire restoration company  

Our technicians can remove Dayton walls and ceilings as well as damaged drywall, insulation, flooring, and other structural materials. SERVPRO is prepared to leave your residence looking, “Like it never even happened.” When you need disaster cleanup, you can call (937) 228-3433 for a rapid-response service that starts within hours. 

More about Dayton.

Ensure Fire Safety this Summer in Your Home

4/13/2020 (Permalink)

lit candles Candles have caused thousands of home-related fires in the US.

Just the thought of going through a fire is terrifying to most families. Loss of life and property are possible outcomes of fire, and dealing with the aftermath can be very confusing and overwhelming. There are over 300,000 house fires a year in the U.S., and unfortunately, most of these home fires can be prevented by simple things. The professionals here at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek are here to help you avoid this kind of disaster from happening to your home. Here are some ways to keep your home fire safe for the summer.

First, Be Mindful of Candles 

Candles can be so lovely to smell and look at, but it’s easy to forget it’s still a dangerous open flame within your home. Candles have caused tens of thousands of home-related fires and deaths over the past few years alone. Most home fire damages are caused by leaving flammable items too close to the candle or by falling asleep with candles lit. 

To prevent a possible candle fire, you should: 

  •   Blow candles out before you go to sleep or when you leave the area 
  •   Keep candles at least one foot away from flammable sources 
  •   Use candle holders that cannot be tipped or knocked over easily 

A few small actions can go a long way when it comes to preventing drastic smoke and fire damage within your home. 

Second, Cell Phone Charging and Overheating

Have you ever gone to sleep with your phone on the charger overnight and tucked somewhere in your bed, under a blanket, or even worse, under your pillow? Leaving a phone to charge is much more dangerous than you might have thought. If you notice when charging your phone, it will typically get warm, and in some cases, when the phone is covered overnight and in combination with a faulty battery, the trapped heat can cause the phone to explode right next to you. Not only can this itself cause extensive damage, but it can also start a house fire that can quickly escalate. 

If your phone ever feels like it’s overheating on the charger, you should unplug it and turn it off right away until it cools down before using it or attempting to charge it again. 

Third, Fix Your Fire Alarms 

Too many homes often forget about or neglect their fire and smoke detection systems. Not having a well-functioning fire alarm system could make the difference in loss of life and property in the event of a fire. In the event of a fire after alerting authorities and safely evacuating the area, your next step should be to contact a local fire and smoke damage restoration company. The professionals here at SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek are specially trained in fire damage restoration and can help in the recovery process after a fire occurs. 

There are many ways to keep your home safe during the year from accidental fires. Check out some of our other blog posts about fire safety to learn more, and in the event of an emergency, give SERVPRO  a call anytime at (937) 228-3433. Our IICRC trained professionals are here to help you 24/7.

Home Fire Evacuation Plan: What to do Before and After the Fire

4/6/2020 (Permalink)

An important part of fire safety is knowing what to do when a fire happens. For this reason, a home fire evacuation plan is a great thing to have. In the event of a sudden fire, an evacuation needs to happen quickly and efficiently while leaving as few essential things behind as possible and knowing where to go. Once you can escape your home or business that is in flames and alert authorities, your next step should be to contact a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek.  

Here’s what you need to do before, during, and after the fire.

Before Evacuating

It is important to prepare correctly to evacuate effectively. A few things you can do to prepare for a fire evacuation is to create a disaster relief kit or a to-go bag. This will contain any essentials that you would need in case you had to up and leave in case of an emergency. Good things to also put in this bag would be extra cash, clothing, emergency health information, and some plastic bags to keep sensitive items safe. Having a to-go bag ready to go in case of emergency can make maintaining a level head in an emergent situation much more manageable while helping keep you safe. 

Everyone in the household must also be on the same page in the event of fire damage. Everyone should have the same meetup location, such as a neighbors house, in case everyone has to leave in a hurry. If a fire is large enough to affect multiple homes or a large area, it is good also to have a meeting location in several directions. 

During an Evacuation 

It is important to know already what to do in the event of a fire so that you can make decisions to keep you and your loved ones best safe. You must maintain clear communication with everyone in your home in the event of a fire; power lines may be down, or phones may not be working in some situations or others may not be able to get to you. It’s important to listen to essential updates from the news and authorities that are keeping up with the situation. 

Do not forget your pets and try to keep them in a place they’re accessible so that you can easily retrieve them should you need to evacuate your property.

After an Evacuation

It’s important to wait to inspect your property after a fire until after you are permitted to do so by authorities. Once you are allowed back within the distance of your home or business, your next step should be to contact a professional fire damage restoration company. SERVPRO of Downtown East Dayton/Beavercreek is ready and available for fire damage restoration and will immediately lend aid to the recovery process. Experiencing this kind of scenario can be extremely frightening and overwhelming. Leave it to the professionals here at SERVPRO to help you restore your home from smoke and fire damage at (937) 228-3433

Putting Out Small Interior Fires

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

A red fire extinguisher on a concrete floor. Make sure your fire extinguisher is up to date.

The source of each individual fire changes the way the fire must be dealt with. Small fires, which are usually started by cooking or electrical outlets, can usually be put out by an individual. In case you experience a small fire within your home, office, or building, here is the way to deal with each type of fire.

Electrical fires occur due to dysfunctional or misused electrical outlets, cords, and appliances. If the fire is due to a broken cord, pour baking soda on the cord. Fires caused by outlets or appliances can be put out with a Class C fire extinguisher. It’s important that you never use water on an electrical fire due to the possibility of being shocked as a result.

Fireplace fires are not dangerous since they’re in a contained area, but if you no longer need the fire to be going you should put it out before leaving or going to sleep. In order to put out a fireplace fire, poke at the wood and cover the coals in order to take away the fuel for the fire. In addition, you may use baking soda to put it out by sprinkling some on the fire.

Cooking or gas fires can be stopped by placing a lid over the pot to stop oxygen from reaching the fire. Turn off the gas supply to stop it from spreading. Fire blankets work well for these situations.

If a small fire occurs in your home, office, or building, call your local SERVPRO of East Dayton at (937) 228-3433. SERVPRO of East Dayton has professionals who know how to remove smoke damage and make the area affected by the fire look “Like it never even happened.”

Creating a Fire Escape Plan For Your Family

1/13/2020 (Permalink)

A house in a neighborhood during the sunset. Preparation can save your family and your home.

It is vital for every family to have a plan together in the event of a household fire. This plan can be memorized or printed and posted somewhere in the home that is easy to find. Having a plan ready can lessen the consequences of a fire by having everyone respond out of habit to the possible danger. If your family doesn’t already have a plan ready for a possible fire emergency, here are some tips for creating one.

Firstly, it matters where your smoke detector is located. If the smoke detector is in the hallway, make sure people sleep with the doors open in order to hear it should it go off. If it’s inside a room, it would be okay for that door to be closed since they’ll be able to hear it go off. Make sure there isn’t anything in the way of blocking the alarm sounds. Create a predetermined meeting place for the family. The best possible places for this to occur would be farther from the home. Making the meeting location too close to the home can be dangerous, depending on how the fire spreads. A good meeting place could be a neighbor’s house or an easily identifiable landmark across the street from the home. These preliminary assessments can ensure that everyone is prepared, especially considering the fire may happen during the night and waking up to a fire can be a confusing experience.

If fire damage does occur to your home, call your local SERVPRO of Beavercreek at (937) 228-3433. SERVPRO of Beavercreek can remove smoke damage and restore your home to before the fire happened. Fires are serious events, but with the right planning and the right fire damage professionals, your life can go back to normal soon after a fire occurs.

How Dangerous Are Christmas Decorations?

12/16/2019 (Permalink)

Lit candles beside Christmas tree decorations, on top of fake snow. Candles are beautiful and warm, but can post a threat to our safety this holiday season.

Happy holidays! As the excitement and anticipation of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas increases, many families bring out decorations to celebrate. December is the time of year where you can have a great time driving around neighborhoods, seeing all the lights and inflatable characters and decorated trees at each house. But before we get quick to celebration, it’s important to check that all of our holiday decorations are safe, especially after spending an entire year sitting in our storage, waiting to be used again. Here’s what you can do to ensure safety is a priority during the holidays, to keep the season as magical as it is.

  • Not all holiday lights are interchangable.

While we do use very similar looking lights on both the exterior and interior of our homes, they’re not safe to use interchangeably. Lights made for decorating the Christmas tree are not prepared for the outdoors. When lights are designed to cover the outside of the house, they’re made to stand strong and safe against weather like snow and wind. When lights meant for the indoors are used outside, they can be damaged by the weather and pose threats as serious as fires. When buying lights, make sure to read the directions on the box, ensuring that you are not posing a fire threat to your home. And when packing up after the holidays end, try and return all the lights to their original boxes so they can’t be confused next year.

  • Check your extension cords are read for wear and tear of the outdoors.

Why wouldn’t you want all the trees in your yard to glow bright and amaze your neighbors? For that, you’ll need an extension cord. When you use one, make sure that it is safe, by checking for wear and tear. In addition, don’t overload your extension cord by attaching all your yard’s lights to one single  cord. Like the lights, these cords usually come with instructions that can explain the best way of using them in order to avoid possible fires. 

  • If your tree is real, don’t forget to water it.

It can be easy to forget to water a tree since we only need to during the holidays, but it’s a vital part of avoiding fire hazard. See, fire burns far easier on dry, dying pines than it would on a well-watered one. The safest thing you can do is have your lights be hung on a healthy tree.

  • Candles are beautiful, but keep them away from decorations.

The smell of holiday scented candles adds to the magic of the home during the holidays, however that open flame should be intentionally placed. Never place your candles around the tree, lights, or fabric and paper decorations. Try to have constant locations for placing your candles, where you know no hazard exists and where the open flame can be monitored.

In any case, we at SERVPRO of East Dayton / Beavercreek hope you and your family enjoy a wonderful and safe holiday season. If you do have an accident this holiday season, make sure to call us at (937) 228-3433. We’ll do everything we can to ensure that your holidays are as magical as they can be by restoring your home as quickly as possible.

The Chemistry Behind Fire

11/18/2019 (Permalink)

A match ignites a flame that is orange and then turns blue. One little match carries enough potential ignition power to light a whole forest on fire.

In order to understand fire damage we should understand the process of fire itself. Fire occurring is due to the oxidation of something during the exothermic chemical process. Essentially, that means that when oxygen fuels combustion, heat and light are produced, which is what you see and feel as a result. While most of us aren’t chemists and haven’t been in a chemistry class in years, we can recall on some knowledge of elements and compounds to understand fire better. The flame itself occurs during the ignition point, which is a part of the combustion reaction. The flame, however, is only the visible part of the fire itself. The flames are a combination of not only oxygen, but also nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. A variety of temperatures and colors of the flames are produced dependent on the circumstances. Different materials can burn hotter, and some can create flames that may be blue in color. 

Fire is a hazard to life, once the reaction creates spreadable flames. Of course, we understand that it burns and spreads, however there are other dangerous aspects of fire itself. For one, it can create pollution because certain things, when burned, can put chemicals into the air. Plastic, for example, isn’t something that can be burned safely. Forest fires can threaten the nutrition in the soil, which can prevent a forest from growing back easily. Fires cause permanent damage.

Though fires are helpful, used to benefit the growth of society since the beginning of time, there are a lot of boundaries between it being helpful and destructive. For light and warmth we use it in many ways, but the moment we lose control of it, it threatens the well-being of our homes and belongings and lives.

Fire damage is important to take seriously, since the lingering effects of fire can harm our bodies, homes, and material possessions. In case of fire damage, immediately contact a restoration company such as SERVPRO of South Dayton to limit damaging after effects of the chemical process that we just learned about.

How Does Smoke Affect Our Body?

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

A doctor presses the stethoscope against the back of a child. Smoke affects our bodies in different ways depending on our age, previous ailments, and duration in the smoke.

Inside smoke from fire are several chemical irritants, such as chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen chloride, and sulfur dioxide. Smoke inhalation irritates the respiratory tract lining which can result in the collapsing of the airway. Some people are more prone to bodily damage from smoke. Older adults may have weaker internal organs which can be harmed quicker from smoke inhalation. Because children and teenagers’ bodies are still developing, smoke can affect them more intensely than a fully developed adult. Anyone with heart or lung disease or diabetes can have their conditions be triggered by smoke damage, resulting in stroke or heart attack. Pregnant women are at danger themselves due to the changes in their body, but the fetus can also be heavily affected, preventing normal development stages from occurring.

Smoke first affects anyone inhaling it by burning the eyes, making the nose runny, inducing coughing and wheezing. If chest pain or fatigue occurs there might be more severe damage being experienced, and people with such symptoms need to be removed from the room or building as quickly as possible to prevent fainting or cardiac arrest.

Even a strong, fully developed adult can be at risk for severe damage due to the chemicals in the air as mentioned before. This is why firefighters wear masks when entering a burning building, and why it is not recommended to attempt to save anyone without the proper gear. Carbon monoxide poisoning first causes the person to faint and then continues to enter the body until it has shut down the function of the major organs, killing them after they’ve gone unconscious.

This is important information to know in case of a fire in your home. While your natural instinct may be to save other people within the home, staying any longer within a burning building can cause unseen damage. Immediately call the fire department and exit the building. They have the gear to enter and exit in a safe manner, while keeping everyone affected by a fire safe.

While the most important consideration following a fire is the safety of the family, when it is time to repair the damage, hire your local SERVPRO. Firefighters respond to a fire currently in progress, and SERVPRO responds to everything that follows.

How Fire Spreads: What Gets Damaged First?

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

Fire fighters spraying a fire house at a burning fire. Firefighters stop the fire. SERVPRO repairs the fire damage.

The more carbon monoxide in the air, the harder it is to escape from a fire. When a fire starts, it uses the naturally occurring oxygen in the air to create carbon monoxide. This is because fires add Carbon (C) to the Oxygen (O) which creates Carbon Monoxide (CO). The longer a fire burns, the more carbon monoxide is created until all of the pre-existing oxygen has been used up. It is at this point that the air in a burning building becomes unbreathable, causing any humans in the vicinity to faint and eventually lose function of their lungs. 

Fire damage spreads in different ways depending on the source of the fire. Some fires expand due to the large quantity of oxygen molecules that can be consumed. Some spread with the help of grease and oils. It is never recommended to put out a fire yourself, instead call the local fire department for professional assistance. However, in case of an emergency, make sure to deprive the fire of oxygen if possible. For example, if a fire began in the kitchen due to cooking in a pot or pan, you may be able to cease the spread of the fire by placing a lid on top which cuts off the oxygen. 

In most situations, the fire spreads quickly enough that it cannot be stopped. Within just minutes of the fire’s ignition, poisonous gases like carbon monoxide are already being emitted into the air. Evacuation is the most important step for safety at this point. 

Once you and your family or neighbors have evacuated the building to a safe location, the hot air created by the fire spreads throughout the building and into other rooms. It only takes five minutes for the air to reach temperatures as hot as 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Within such a small time frame, the fire eats away at the structure of the building, which in most cases comprised of wood frames, insulation, and other flammable materials.

Once the fire has been put out by firefighters, what does fire damage look like? Although it depends on the length of time the fire burned, damage can be done regardless of where the fire spread. Even in rooms untouched by fire, hot air could still have traveled through the entire house, melting anything plastic or glass. Even wood beams that are still standing can be a danger because they have still been weakened. Soot sticks to floors, ceilings, and walls, and still contain dangerous byproducts of anything burned despite the fire being over.

Remember to talk to your fire department after the fact about the safety hazards of reentering the building. No matter how bad the damage may be, whether is extends just above the oven or within the entire structure of the building, contact a professional fire damage specialist to remove the fire damage. 

Fire damage specialists have the necessary materials, including safety gear, to rid the home of toxins and restore the integrity of the internal structure. SERVPRO of East Dayton arrives promptly and charges affordably, so that life can return to normal just as quickly as the fire spread.

Does Your Insurance Cover Fire Damage?

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

A burning building engulfed in large, orange flames. We can't undo fires, but we can undo fire damage.

Although only 7% of house fires start in the bedroom, 73% of house fire fatalities are due to these kinds of fires. Fires that start in the bedroom are nearly always accidents caused by a lack of mindfulness when dealing with heat producing objects. For example, one of the most common causes of bedroom fires are objects like curling irons or straighteners being left 0n the bed or carpet. Even if they have been turned off, these can be hot enough to start a fire for up to ten minutes after being unplugged. Another common cause is smoking in the bedroom, which can be dangerous even when the cigarette has been put out in an ashtray because the ashes can continue to produce heat. 

Even when taking steps to prevent fires from happening, it’s vital to keep inventory of anything that could be damaged in the event of a fire. This is so that if fire does unfortunately occur, accurate assessment of the fire damage coverage can help restore all lost belongings. Personal property is just one of the things that most fire damage insurance covers. It also covers detached structures, like sheds, and dwellings, like porches. So long as there is an accurate fire damage appraisal done of all loses, you then have two options on how to receive the financial compensation for such loses. The first would be actual cash value, which calculates how much the lost items would be worth today and awarding that exact amount in cash value. The other option is a replacement cost, which would replace the item for similar to the value it was purchased for. There are pros and cons to both forms of insurance. While the value of the replacement cost of damaged items would be higher than the cash value, the ability to decide what to do with the cash value is up to the homeowner. 

If your goal is to return your home to the way it was before the fire damage occurred, your best bet would be a replacement cost insurance policy. If you’d rather use the value of the loss items to spend the money elsewhere, whether to assist in the repairing of the home or for other personal needs, then an actual cash value wouldn’t be a bad idea.

In any case, SERVPRO of East Dayton knows fire damage restoration. There’s a lot to think about when picking an insurance policy, but little to think about when picking a company to fix the fire damage. In little to no time SERVPRO can be on the scene. Returning your home to the way it was before is an easy job for a company as widespread and equipped as they are.

Does Fire Damage Require Demolition?

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

Two fire fighters hold a fire hose, aiming at large flames. When the scariest part is over, SERVPRO is there to clean up the mess.

In the United States, a fire department responds to a fire every 24 seconds. Fire damage varies with each fire, from a burnt kitchen to an entire home. To the fire fighters, the goal is to stop the fire. After that has been achieved the following responsibilities are left to the homeowner. Luckily, no homeowner is left alone in making decisions about what to do with their damaged home. The next steps are to contact insurance and then decide how to move forward with rebuilding.

It is more expensive to demolish fire damaged buildings than it is to repair them. Every fire is individual though. Demolition prices consider the following aspects: structure size, geographic location of structure, materials of structure, and the quantity of still standing structure. In some cases, demolition is required because there is a lack of salvageable material. With demolition comes rebuilding, which are equally expensive processes. If it is possible to simply restore the fire damage, that would be the most cost efficient solution after a fire.

When considering demolition versus restoration, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How much is insurance contributing to rebuilding?
  • How much can you currently afford to pay personally?
  • Do you have a place you can stay during construction?
  • Do you have access to affordable restoration companies?

If you live in the East Dayton or Beavercreek area, the answer to the last part is yes, you do. In cases where restoration is an option, consider SERVPRO of East Dayton. Why? Restoration is usually more affordable, and in certain situations you can continue to live in your home while the restoration process occurs, saving you money. It’s a myth that the home structure is stronger when completely rebuilt. If using the right fire damage restoration company, restoration can be just as successful at repairing the strength of the home. In addition, demolition requires permits, paperwork, and extra hassle to even begin the process. SERVPRO can be at your door the next day with the equipment and people to begin immediately. Afterall, their main goal is to make your home, “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Damage on Different Materials

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

A fire damaged home, barely standing. Only the front of the home remains. This home, made mostly of wood, was made of materials that made the spread of fire easier.

Within the years of 2007 and 2011, lightning strikes resulted in $451 million in property damage. There are several causes of fire damage, but the sources that are outside of our control are the scariest. While you can monitor your appliances, fireplace, cooking, and other causes of fires, some causes will always be outside of your control. That’s why it’s important to know whatever you can about the effects of fire damage so that no matter what happens, you’re prepared. 

One valuable thing to understand is the potential of damage in your own home. Damage occurs differently on certain materials. It’s common knowledge that fire uses wood as fuel and therefore can spread from wood beam to wood beam, which usually makes up the internal structure of the average home. But what about less flammable materials? A concrete foundation, for example. 

Concrete may not catch on fire, like wood, however it still experiences damage from exposure to high temperatures. The reason for this is the expansion of the material that makes up concrete, which can lead to breakage. Likewise, steel beams do not catch on fire but can bend and sag due to exposure to high temperatures. This means that while these materials may not contribute to the spreading of a fire, they can be affected by a fire and in certain circumstances need replacement.

The only absolute answer to how a fire has damaged a home is to get a fire damage assessment. Fire damaged wood and fire damaged concrete may require different restoration processes, but nonetheless you can go to one company for all fire damage restoration needs. SERVPRO of East Dayton is one of those companies, and they can use their fire restoration knowledge to assess any material that has been affected by a fire.

How to Remove Smoke Smells from Your Home

10/15/2019 (Permalink)

Basement floor with burn marks from fire damage, beside a fire extinguisher mounted to a post. Room with fire damage before SERVPRO has started on fire restoration.

Smells spread through the air and usually contain themselves to certain areas based on distance from source of smell, quality of air in the surrounding area, and general temperature. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as coaxing a cloud of any certain smell out of its general location to remove odors. The internet is home to plenty of life hacks and lessons on how to save money, and like everything else this includes smoke smell removal techniques. However the truth about damage like this is that it is not possible to remove a smell, let alone the dangerous chemicals that may be combined with said smell, with only some internet tips. Decontaminating the source of air movement and providing fire restoration repairs to internal parts of the home is vital. However these projects can be underway as soon as the phone call with your local SERVPRO ends, saving time and effort from people affected by fire damage. Soot clean up and smoke smell removal make the homeowners’ work far easier when done by fire restoration professionals. The team at SERVPRO is well versed in fire restoration and believe in making affected areas look “Like it never even happened.” You deserve the best when it comes to the quality of your home, so don’t settle for anything less than professional damage restoration by the company that does it best. If you do like tips and tricks, though, here’s a good one: Ash and soot and create lingering smells when embedded in the dirt and vegetation surround your home, so don’t forget to make sure your air filtration system is working well to keep you safe from any pollutants.

Beavercreek Smoke and Soot Cleanup

9/6/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of East Dayton/Beavercreek will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 